I open your body to expose your guts
the liver removed to spleen it bursts
a knife in the chest cutting through innards
tearing apart you´re screaming
I continue to innade your body
piece by piece hole by hole
too much pain for flesh to bear
as I torture
thrown into the grave
the body decays
the soul I have raped
I return to kill another
victims unknowing
soon to be butchered slowly
bodies hanging from hooks
they decay and I fuck them as maggots feed
the corpse has rotted quickly missing extremities
toes and fingers turning black
nose and ears hacked off
as gangrene sets in
I return to kill again
victims unknowing
soon to be butchered slowly
too much blood leaking from you
weakening draining fluid and fus
turning skin rigor mortis sets in
the body bleed the heart beat fades
thrown into the grave
the body decays
the soul I have raped
a knife in the chest cutting through innards
tearing apart you´re screaming
I continue to innade your body
piece by piece hole by hole
too much pain for flesh to bear
as I torture
Autor: 3 Feet Smaller
Album: Bringer Of Blood
Hells Bells
Autor: 3 Feet Smaller
Album: Graveyard Classics II
Shake A Leg
Autor: 3 Feet Smaller
Album: Graveyard Classics II
Fade Away
Autor: 3 Feet Smaller
Album: 3rd Strike