This one is goin' out 2 all our peepz out there
Who brought us 2 tha next level, 2 da 4lyn-level.
And had our backs 4 mad years.
Now it's time 4 us 2 take it back and pay dues
And pay respect 2 all our families, friends and fans...
U saw me trippin' on da mic, everday.
See where I am now?
Got a heavy-debut out now, POW!
It´s been a long time, like Rakim said wayback.
And I met a lot of people, sum of them were cool and sum were whack!
Paperchasin-idiots - I saw em slime,
And rootless-wannabe´s, I saw em try 2 rhyme.
I met people wit´ no backbone, try 2 dig in ma pocket.
And I met people, no matter what, they knew how 2 rock it.
I dedicate this track 2 all the people who gave me love.
2 mom, Peter Z., N-Dog up above.
Nastee-Naughty and P-Dog 4 holdin´ it down...
Brompton-city-old-skool-roots by tha pound.
And John, I wish ya ass could be here...
Cuz without u, there's nothing the same out here.
People like u make dis life worth livin and I
Love u 4 dat, 4 lookin after me and watchin ma back... peace.
And 4 my peepz I truly care, cuz without
Some of them I wouldnt be here, be here.
And they all know how I feel...
2 ma mentor, teacher and my idol - ma cousin Guido
I hope u got away from suicide.
Found a better crib? I hope ya ass is gettin well.
Life is hard these days, yo, it ain't hard 2 tell.
Mr. Chips&Coke and ma bro harmfull..
A&b represented and a dream came true 4 4lyn,
Kane, Deee and Chi, nah mean?
Without u guyz I´m nothing in dis musical dream.
Carolyn and ma girl hardknox - 4 stayin true 2 da game
And knockin suckers out da box.
My sikk-kids-greenspan in full effect.
Flow-rock and DMK - 2 me u guyz are all of dat.
Sir Mad - here comes trouble indeed!
The dealers in double-h. C.I.T.Y. 4 sellin mad weed.
Thanxafukkinlot 4 bein there when I needed u da most.
Ronnie Brazko, 4lyn and I´m ghost..
And 4 my peepz I truly care, cuz without
Some of them I wouldnt be here,be here.
And they all know how I feel...
Now I take it wayback, bust sum shots, 21, rhyme-salute 2 all ya guyz
Who´ve been down wit da fizzour lizzyn squizzad, check this out..
2 all our families 4 stickin behind us - 4 all ya love, time and all
Of ya trust, come on.
Miss Wicked, Dominic, la famillia - 4 real u know how we feel.
Ali, Sir Kellner, Olb, Thorsten & Nela King 4 lettin us do what we want in our own swing.
2 Bartek, Boone & Crew and Mer-le, deep down in our hearts, what else can I say?
Yo, my g-town-homiez, I feel ya.. my love and inspiration from brownstown, Samira!
All the clubs we´ve played in and bands we played with,
Max and Sartman, the whole blue noise-department.
And 2 Millie and Thomas Cornerbreak, it´s only rokk´n´roll, and we know that u like it.
Autor: 4LYN
Album: Take It As a Compliment
Autor: 4LYN
Album: Take It As a Compliment
Autor: 4LYN
Album: 4Lyn