Pondělí, 10. března 2025, svátek má Viktorie

Mississippi - Afroman

AAfroman - - Mississippi

Ohodnoť toto video:

(Palmdale was like the peak of my life, but Palmdale over with, homeboy. I'm fittin' to go home cuz.)
Please take me back home, (You know what I'm sayin'?) to Mississippi.
(I got my Greyhound ticket right here, man. I'm fittin' to go back and kick it with my family, cuz.)
Please take me back home, (take a couple pounds of this weed) to Mississippi.
(You shmell me, homeboy. Yeah, take them fools back to '82, cuz.)
Before South Central Palmdale flossin', I stayed in a place called Palmer's Crossing.
Hattiesburg, Mississippi, smoking marijuana like a Woodstock hippy.
All my homies in Laurel, beg borrow, buy my rap tape tomorrow. (Bucccoc!)
Tell DJ Pumpkin Keep it crunckin' Clyde. Request my tape when you go inside
So I can take Jane and girl to Waynesboro, fuck their little homegirl,
make her toes curl, rock their world, leave with their Auntie Sheryl.
She sucks me sucks me, fucks me fucks me, cries every time I leave Biloxi
But I hops in the Coup, 'cause I gots to go scoop another ho from Tupelo
Hit it once, hit it twice, then I hit it again.
Hit it in Meridian, make that bitch rub her clit again,
pinch the nipples on her tit again, suck my dick until she spit again. BUCCCOC!
Please take me back home, (Hell yeah!) to Mississippi.
Crooked letter, crooked letter, hump-back, hump-back, Afroman's the bomb, bump that!
Please take me back home, (Hell yeah!) to Mississippi.
From the delta to the coast, I'm doin' the most, grab your 40oz. Let's toast.

I sold rock cocaine down in Ellisville. Baseheads hit the pipe, they can tell it's real.
Kept my dope stashed with this hootchie, way down yonder in East Bouche.
Cops be sweatin' outa town, dog. Sweatin' my car with a hound dog.
Separate me from my bitch and shit, tryin' to get my bitch to fuckin' snitch and shit.
Officer Roscoe P. Coltrane running warrant checks on the Afroman
But I can't be no hip hop star cuffed in the back of some police car.
Did you find the gun? NO!
Did you find the dope? NO!
Open up the back door. Well, son, you're free to go.
A-F-R-O marijuana cargo, __
C'mon, Let's all get drunk tonight. I hope I don't fight with a punk tonight.
Get nervous, as I swerve this Cadillac through Purvis.
Hope I don't crash when I hit Petal, get my ass kicked in the white ghetto.
Prejudice police won't let me go, so I'ma drive slow, hide my 'fro.
I was dumb, now I'm dumber, y'all, last summer, y'all,
I fucked all the little girls down in Sumrall.
Grabbed my guitar and started pickin' a tune for Nikki and June down in Picayune, baby!
Just like a shovel I be diggin' all the pretty young women in Wiggins.
On the boat, Gulfport, I got my dick down some girl's throat. (BUCCCCOC!)
I can't help it, I'm a Crip, baby. I think you need to wipe your lip, baby.
Hula Hula Hula, the whole house ruler. What's up with all the bitches down in Pascagoula?
Small towns, small cities, but they still got big ol' asses plus titties.
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It's the hungry hustler, Afroman
Flying through the air in my underwear, Geri curl activator in my hair.
I'm in control like Janet, when I hit Jackson. Always getting plenty panty action.
McClaine. Even McComb. Tell the whole world Mississippi's your home.
Yazoo, Columbia and Natchez. I got the weed brother, who got the matches? (I do.)
Who got the funky DJ that scratches? (I do.) Depend on me like my name was patches.
First it was a black thing, just the big Willies. Now I roll Phillies with all the Hillbillies.
Never ever thought I'd see the Klu Klux Klan buying front row seats for the Afroman
Confederate flags tobacco in their mouth. It's a beautiful thing jumpin' off in the South.
Afroman, I'm a part of it. Hattiesburg hip hop, I'm the start of it.
I'm the latest. I'm the greatest, and all you haters, I'll mash you like potatoes.
I'll make your girlfriend holler and scream, then cook me some cornbread and collard greens.

Please take me back home, (Hell, yeah!) to Mississippi.
Crooked letter, crooked letter, hump-back, hump-back, Afroman's the bomb, bump that!
Please take me back home, (Hell yeah!) to Mississippi.
From the delta to the coast, I'm doin' the most, grab your 40oz. Let's toast.

!982, '83, '84 Erin, Broste, Carlos, and Tonto.
Tryin' to break dance in my B-Boy stance, Micheal Jackson glove, parachute pants.
Calvin Gary, Garnett Jones. G-dog, cuz, I don't believe we're grown.
But hey, G-dog, you and me'll see dog. Whatever happens, cuz, it's you and me dog.
Or should I say loc, (loc) cause you my folk (folk) so let's take a toke (toke) till we croak (croak).
I'm a locster locster, honey spokester, drinking everyday like I'm supposed to.
Bottle after bottle, dog, in my lip-a, flowing on the mic like the Mississippi river.

Please take me back home, (Hell, yeah!) to Mississippi.
Crooked letter, crooked letter, hump-back, hump-back, Afroman's the bomb, bump that!
Please take me back home, (Get on down!) to Mississippi.
From the coast to the delta, Afro, we felt ya. Boy you're so cold the sun can't melt ya.

Please take me back home, (Yeee-ha!) to Mississippi.
Crooked letter, crooked letter, hump-back, hump-back, Afroman's the bomb, bump that!
Please take me back home, (Get on down!) to Mississippi.
From the coast to the delta, Afro, we felt ya. Boy you're so cold the sun can't melt ya.
Please take me back home, (We outta here.) to Mississippi

(Palmdale byl jako vrchol mého života, ale s více než Palmdale, krajan. Jsem fittin 'jít domů cuz.)
Please take me back home, (You know what I'm sayin'?) to Mississippi. Prosím, aby mě doma, (Víš, co bych říct '?) Do Mississippi.
(I got my Greyhound ticket right here, man. I'm fittin' to go back and kick it with my family, cuz.) (I můj Greyhound letenky přímo tady, chlape. Mám fittin 'jít zpátky a nakopat ho s mojí rodinou, cuz.)
Please take me back home, (take a couple pounds of this weed) to Mississippi. Prosím, aby mě doma, (vzít pár kilo této plevelů) na Mississippi.
(You shmell me, homeboy. Yeah, take them fools back to '82, cuz.) (Ty shmell mi, krajan. Jo, vezmu je bláznů zpět na'82, cuz.)
Before South Central Palmdale flossin', I stayed in a place called Palmer's Crossing. Před South Central Palmdale flossin ', jsem zůstal v místě zvaném Palmer je Crossing.
Hattiesburg, Mississippi, smoking marijuana like a Woodstock hippy. Hattiesburg, Mississippi, kouření marihuany jako Woodstock hippie.
All my homies in Laurel, beg borrow, buy my rap tape tomorrow. Všichni moji homies v Laurel, prosím půjčit si koupit mou páskové rap zítra. (Bucccoc!)
Tell DJ Pumpkin Keep it crunckin' Clyde. Řekni DJ Pumpkin Nech si to crunckin 'Clyde. Request my tape when you go inside Vyžádat si můj pásek, když to máš uvnitř
So I can take Jane and girl to Waynesboro, fuck their little homegirl, Takže můžu vzít Jane a dívka na Waynesboro, kurva jejich malý homegirl,
make her toes curl, rock their world, leave with their Auntie Sheryl. Značka jí prsty curl, rock jejich svět, nechat se jejich tetička Sheryl.
She sucks me sucks me, fucks me fucks me, cries every time I leave Biloxi Ona mě naštve mě naštve, fucks mi fucks mi volá vždy, když opustí Biloxi
But I hops in the Coup, 'cause I gots to go scoop another ho from Tupelo Ale já chmele ve státním převratu, 'protože jsem gots jít lopatka jiného ho z Tupelo
Hit it once, hit it twice, then I hit it again. Hit to jednou, dvakrát ho praštil, tak jsem ho praštil znovu.
Hit it in Meridian, make that bitch rub her clit again, Hit to v Meridian, aby tu děvku vyčistit ji znovu klitoris,
pinch the nipples on her tit again, suck my dick until she spit again. špetka na bradavky v její prsní bradavka zase sát mého ptáka do osobního plivat znovu. BUCCCOC!
Please take me back home, (Hell yeah!) to Mississippi. Prosím, aby mě doma, (Peklo jo!) Do Mississippi.
Crooked letter, crooked letter, hump-back, hump-back, Afroman's the bomb, bump that! Zahnuté dopis, zahnuté dopis, honit-back, honit-back, Afroman je bomba, bump to!
Please take me back home, (Hell yeah!) to Mississippi. Prosím, aby mě doma, (Peklo jo!) Do Mississippi.
From the delta to the coast, I'm doin' the most, grab your 40oz. Od delty až k pobřeží, jsem vede 'nejvíce, Popadni 40 oz Let's toast. Pojďme si přípitek.

I sold rock cocaine down in Ellisville. I prodávané rock kokainu v Ellisville. Baseheads hit the pipe, they can tell it's real. Baseheads narazí na potrubí, mohou říct, že je skutečný.
Kept my dope stashed with this hootchie, way down yonder in East Bouche. Mé drogy stashed s tímto hootchie, směrem na východ Bouche tamto.
Cops be sweatin' outa town, dog. Policajti se sweatin 'outa města, pes. Sweatin' my car with a hound dog. Sweatin 'moje auto s chrt pes.
Separate me from my bitch and shit, tryin' to get my bitch to fuckin' snitch and shit. Oddělte mi ze moje děvka a kurva, snažím 'se dostat na moje děvka, kurva' práskač a tak.
Officer Roscoe P. Coltrane running warrant checks on the Afroman Redakce Roscoe S. Coltrane rozkazu systémem kontroly při Afroman
But I can't be no hip hop star cuffed in the back of some police car. Ale nemůže být žádný hip hop star cuffed v zadní některé policejní auto.
Did you find the gun? Našli jste tu zbraň? NO! NE!
Did you find the dope? Našli jste drogy? NO! NE!
Open up the back door. Otevřít zadní dveře. Well, son, you're free to go. No, synu, jsi volný.
AFRO marijuana cargo, __ AFRO marihuany nákladu, __
C'mon, Let's all get drunk tonight. C'mon, Let je vše, opít večer. I hope I don't fight with a punk tonight. Doufám, že to není boj s punk dnes večer.
Get nervous, as I swerve this Cadillac through Purvis. Získejte nervózní, jak jsem dát faleš této Cadillac prostřednictvím Purvis.
Hope I don't crash when I hit Petal, get my ass kicked in the white ghetto. Doufám, že jsem již nebudou srážet, když jsem praštil Okvětní lístek, dostanete můj zadek zahájen v bílém ghetto.
Prejudice police won't let me go, so I'ma drive slow, hide my 'fro. Prejudice policie nebude nechte mě jít, tak jsem disk pomalý, skrýt moje 'zpět.
I was dumb, now I'm dumber, y'all, last summer, y'all, Byla jsem hloupá, teď jsem hloupější, y'all, loni v létě, y'all,
I fucked all the little girls down in Sumrall. I v prdeli všechny holčičky v Sumrall.
Grabbed my guitar and started pickin' a tune for Nikki and June down in Picayune, baby! Popadl kytaru a začal pickin 'a doladit pro Nikki a června se v Picayune, baby!
Just like a shovel I be diggin' all the pretty young women in Wiggins. Jen jako lopata jsem diggin 'všechny hezké mladé ženy v Wiggins.
On the boat, Gulfport, I got my dick down some girl's throat. Na lodi, Gulfport, mám mého ptáka nějaké dívčí krku. (BUCCCCOC!)
I can't help it, I'm a Crip, baby. Nemůžu pomoct, já jsem Crip, baby. I think you need to wipe your lip, baby. Myslím, že musíte dojít ke ztrátě vašich rtů, baby.
Hula Hula Hula, the whole house ruler. Hula Hula Hula, celý dům vládce. What's up with all the bitches down in Pascagoula? Co se děje se všemi fen v Pascagoula?
Small towns, small cities, but they still got big ol' asses plus titties. Menších měst, malých měst, ale stále mám velký ol 'osly plus kozy.
Is it a bird? Je to pták? Is it a plane? Je to letadlo? It's the hungry hustler, Afroman Je to hlad podvodník, Afroman
Flying through the air in my underwear, Geri curl activator in my hair. Létání ve vzduchu v mé spodní prádlo, Geri curl aktivátor v mé vlasy.
I'm in control like Janet, when I hit Jackson. Jsem v ovládání jako Janet, když jsem praštil Jackson. Always getting plenty panty action. Vždy dostává spoustu panty akce.
McClaine. Even McComb. Dokonce i McComb. Tell the whole world Mississippi's your home. Řekni celý svět Mississippi je váš domov.
Yazoo, Columbia and Natchez. Yazoo, Columbia a Natchez. I got the weed brother, who got the matches? Mám plevelů bratra, kteří dostali zápasy? (I do.) (Mám dělat.)
Who got the funky DJ that scratches? Kdo tu funky DJ, že škrábance? (I do.) Depend on me like my name was patches. (Mám dělat.) Závislé na mě, jako mé jméno bylo náplastí.
First it was a black thing, just the big Willies. Nejprve to byla černá věc, stejně velký Willies. Now I roll Phillies with all the Hillbillies. Teď jsem rolka s Phillies všechny Hillbillies.
Never ever thought I'd see the Klu Klux Klan buying front row seats for the Afroman Nikdy jsem stále myslel, že bych vidět KLU Klux Klan nákupní přední řady sedadel pro Afroman
Confederate flags tobacco in their mouth. Konfederovaný vlajek tabák ve svých úst. It's a beautiful thing jumpin' off in the South. Je to krásná věc, jumpin 'volno na jihu.
Afroman, I'm a part of it. Afroman, já jsem její součástí. Hattiesburg hip hop, I'm the start of it. Hattiesburg hip hop, jsem na začátku toho všeho.
I'm the latest. Jsem poslední. I'm the greatest, and all you haters, I'll mash you like potatoes. Já jsem nejlepší, a vše, co nenávidící, I'll kaše máte rádi brambory.
I'll make your girlfriend holler and scream, then cook me some cornbread and collard greens. Já vám vaše holka křičet a křičet, potom vařit nějaké kukuřičný chléb kapusty a zeleniny.

Please take me back home, (Hell, yeah!) to Mississippi. Prosím, aby mě doma, (Peklo, ano!) Do Mississippi.
Crooked letter, crooked letter, hump-back, hump-back, Afroman's the bomb, bump that! Zahnuté dopis, zahnuté dopis, honit-back, honit-back, Afroman je bomba, bump to!
Please take me back home, (Hell yeah!) to Mississippi. Prosím, aby mě doma, (Peklo jo!) Do Mississippi.
From the delta to the coast, I'm doin' the most, grab your 40oz. Od delty až k pobřeží, jsem vede 'nejvíce, Popadni 40 oz Let's toast. Pojďme si přípitek.

!982, '83, '84 Erin, Broste, Carlos, and Tonto. ! 982,'83,'84 Erin, Broste, Carlos, a Tonto.
Tryin' to break dance in my B-Boy stance, Micheal Jackson glove, parachute pants. Nesnažíš 'a Break dance v mém B-Boy postoj, Michael Jackson rukavice, kalhoty padák.
Calvin Gary, Garnett Jones. Calvin Gary, Garnett Jones. G-dog, cuz, I don't believe we're grown. G-pes, cuz, že si nemyslím, jsme pěstitelská.
But hey, G-dog, you and me'll see dog. Ale hej, G-dog, ty a me'll viz psa. Whatever happens, cuz, it's you and me dog. Ať se stane cokoliv, cuz, je to mnou a tebou pes.
Or should I say loc, (loc) cause you my folk (folk) so let's take a toke (toke) till we croak (croak). Nebo bych měl říct, loc, (loc) protože ty moje lidové (folk) tak pojďme se Toke (Toke), až jsme skřehotat (skřehotat).
I'm a locster locster, honey spokester, drinking everyday like I'm supposed to. Jsem locster locster, med spokester, pitné každodenním jako bych měl.
Bottle after bottle, dog, in my lip-a, flowing on the mic like the Mississippi river. Láhev po láhvi, pes, v mé rty-a, tekoucí v MIC, jako je řeka Mississippi.

Please take me back home, (Hell, yeah!) to Mississippi. Prosím, aby mě doma, (Peklo, ano!) Do Mississippi.
Crooked letter, crooked letter, hump-back, hump-back, Afroman's the bomb, bump that! Zahnuté dopis, zahnuté dopis, honit-back, honit-back, Afroman je bomba, bump to!
Please take me back home, (Get on down!) to Mississippi. Prosím, aby mě zpět domů, (Na dole!) Do Mississippi.
From the coast to the delta, Afro, we felt ya. Od pobřeží do delty, Afro, máme pocit, zatím. Boy you're so cold the sun can't melt ya. Chlapec si tak studená slunce nemůže taveniny ya.

Please take me back home, (Yeee-ha!) to Mississippi. Prosím, aby mě doma, (Yeee-ha!) Do Mississippi.
Crooked letter, crooked letter, hump-back, hump-back, Afroman's the bomb, bump that! Zahnuté dopis, zahnuté dopis, honit-back, honit-back, Afroman je bomba, bump to!
Please take me back home, (Get on down!) to Mississippi. Prosím, aby mě zpět domů, (Na dole!) Do Mississippi.
From the coast to the delta, Afro, we felt ya. Od pobřeží do delty, Afro, máme pocit, zatím. Boy you're so cold the sun can't melt ya. Chlapec si tak studená slunce nemůže taveniny ya.
Please take me back home, (We outta here.) to Mississippi. Prosím, aby mě doma, (jsme odsud.) Do Mississippi.

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