Pondělí, 10. března 2025, svátek má Viktorie

Tumbleweed - Afroman

AAfroman - - Tumbleweed

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Wait a minute man
Ay check this out man
It was this blind man, right?
Man check this
It was this blind man, right?
He was feelin' his way down the street with this stick, right?
Ay, he walked past this fish market
You know what I'm sayin'?
He stopped, he took a deep breath, he said
Woo, good morning ladies
You like that shit man?
Ay, I got a gang of that shit, man
I tell you what
My man on the guitar
Ay, fool on the drums
Everybody just crowd 'round the mic
I tell you all these motherfuckin' jokes I got man
So first I'm gonna start it off like this
Help me sing it home boy, come on
Said colt 45 and two zig-zags
Baby that's all we need
We can go to the park after dark smoke that tumbleweed
As the marijuana burn
We can take our turn
Singin' them dirty rap songs
Stop and hit the bong like Cheech and Chong
It still takes from here to Hong Kong

So roll, roll, roll my joint
Pick out the seeds and stems
Feelin' high as hell flyin' through Palm Dell
Skatin on datin rims
So roll, roll the 83
Cadallac Coupe Caville
If my tapes and my cd's just don't sell
I bet my Cavy will
Well it was just sundown in a small white town
They call it eastside Palm Dell
When the Afro Man walked through the white land
Houses went up for sale
Well I was standin' on the corner sellin' rap CD's
when I met a little girl named Jan
I let her ride in my Caddy
cuz I didn't know her daddy was the leader of the Ku Klux Klan
We fucked on the bed
Fucked on the flo'
Fucked so long I grew a fuckin' afro
Then I fucked to the left
Fucked to the right
She sucked my dick 'til the shit turned white
I thought to myself
Sheeba sheeba got my ass lookin' like a zebra
I put on my clothes and I was on my way
Until her daddy pulled up in a Chevrolet
So I ran, I jumped out the back window
But her daddy, he was waitin with a two-by-fo'
Oh, he beat me to the left
He beat me to the right
The motherfucker whooped my ass all night
But I ain't mad at her prejudice dad
That's the best damn pussy I ever had
Got a bad of weed and a bottle o' wine
I'm a fuck that bitch just one more time
Colt 45 and two zig-zags
Baby that's all we need
We can go to the park after dark smoke that tumbleweed
And as the marijuana burn
We can take our turn
Singin' them dirty rap songs
Stop and hit the bong like Cheech and Chong
It still takes from here to Hong Kong

So roll, roll, roll my joint
Pick out the seeds and stems
Feelin' high as hell flyin' through Palm Dell
Skatin on datin rims
So roll, roll the 83
Cadallac Coupe Caville
If my tapes and my cd's just don't sell
I bet my Cavy will
I met this lady in Hollywood
She had green hair but damn she looked good
I took her to my house
Cuz she was fine
But she whooped out a dick that was bigger than mine
I met this lady from Japan
Never made love with an African
I fucked her once
I fucked her twice
I ate that pussy like shrimp fried rice
Don't be amazed at the stories I tell ya
I met a woman in the heart of Australia
Had a big butt and big titties, too
So I hopped in her ass like a kangaroo
See I met this woman from Hawaii
Stuck it in her ass and she said I E
Lips was breakfast
Pussy was lunch
Then her titties busted open with Hawaiin punch
Met Colonel Sanders wife in the state of Kentucky
She said I'll fry some chicken if you just bump me
I came in her mouth
It was a crisis
I gave her my secret blend of herbs and spices
Colt 45 and two zig-zags
Baby that's all we need
We can go to the park after dark smoke that tumbleweed
And as the marijuana burn
We can take our turn
Singin' them dirty rap songs
Stop and hit the bong like Cheech and Chong
It still takes from here to Hong Kong

I met Dolly Parton in Tennessee
Her titties were filled with hennessy
That country music really drove me crazy
But I rode that ass and said "Yes, Miss Daisy"
Met this lady in Oklahoma
Put that pussy in a coma
Met this lady in Michigan I can't wait 'til I fuck that bitch again
Met a real black girl down in South Carolina
Fucked her 'til she turned into a white albina
Fucked this hooker in Iowa
I fucked her on credit, so I owe her
Fucked this girl down in Georgia
Came in her mouth now I thought I told ya
Met this beautiful sexy ho
She just ran 'cross the border of Mexico
Fine young thang said her name's Maria
I wrapped her up just like a hot tortilla
I wanna get married but I can't afford it
I know I'm a cry when she get deported
Colt 45 and two zig-zags
Baby that's all we need
We can go to the park after dark smoke that tumbleweed
As the marijuana burn
We can take our turn
Singin' them dirty rap songs
Stop and hit the bong like Cheech and Chong
It still takes from here to Hong Kong

Have you ever went ova' a girl's house to fuck
But the pussy just ain't no good? (say what)
I mean you gettin' upset cuz you can't get her wet
Plus you in the wrong neighborhood
So you try to play it off and eat the pussy
But it take her so long to cum
Then a dude walk in
That's her big boyfriend
And he asks you where you from (where you from homey?)
So you wipe your mouth and you try to explain (I don't bang)
You start talkin' real fast (I don't bang)
But he already mad cuz you fuckin' his woman
So he start beatin' on yo' ass
Now ya clothes all muddy
Ya nose all bloody
Your dick was hard but now it's all (what)
You thought you had a girl to rock your world
Now you still gotta go jack off
Said colt 45 and two zig-zags
Baby that's all we need
We can go to the park...

Počkej chvilku muž
Ay check this out man Ar Podívejte se na to člověk
It was this blind man, right? Byl tento slepý muž, že?
Man check this Muž si tento
It was this blind man, right? Byl tento slepý muž, že?
He was feelin' his way down the street with this stick, right? Byl FEELIN 'své cestě dolů na ulici s tímto držet, ne?
Ay, he walked past this fish market Ay, chodil minulosti této ryby na trhu
You know what I'm sayin'? Víš, co bych říct '?
He stopped, he took a deep breath, he said On se zastavil, vzal hluboký dech, když řekl:
Woo, good morning ladies Woo, dobré ráno, dámy
You like that shit man? Líbí se ti to hovno člověk?
Ay, I got a gang of that shit, man Ay, mám gangu na to svinstvo, člověče
I tell you what Řeknu vám, co
My man on the guitar Můj muž na kytaru
Ay, fool on the drums Ay, hlupák na bicí
Everybody just crowd 'round the mic Všichni jen zástup 'kolem mic
I tell you all these motherfuckin' jokes I got man Řeknu vám všechny tyto motherfuckin 'vtipy jsem člověk
So first I'm gonna start it off like this Takže první jsem chtěl začít ho takhle
Help me sing it home boy, come on Pomozte mi zpívat domů chlapče, pojď
Said colt 45 and two zig-zags Řekl oslátko 45 a dva cik-zags
Baby that's all we need Baby to je vše, co potřebujete
We can go to the park after dark smoke that tumbleweed Můžeme jít do parku po tmavém kouři, že laskavec
As the marijuana burn Vzhledem k tomu, že marihuana pálit
We can take our turn Můžeme vzít naši zase
Singin' them dirty rap songs Singin 'je špinavej rap písničky
Stop and hit the bong like Cheech and Chong Zastav a kliknout na bong, jako Cheech a Chong
It still takes from here to Hong Kong Stále trvá odtud do Hong Kongu

So roll, roll, roll my joint Takže roll, roll, rolka mé společné
Pick out the seeds and stems Vybrat semen a stopky
Feelin' high as hell flyin' through Palm Dell FEELIN 'vysoká jako peklo Flyin' přes Palm Dell
Skatin on datin rims Skatin na datin ráfky
So roll, roll the 83 Takže na válce, válec: 83
Cadallac Coupe Caville Cadallac Coupe Caville
If my tapes and my cd's just don't sell Pokud můj pásek a moje cd je jen neprodáváte
I bet my Cavy will Vsadím se, že moje morče bude
Well it was just sundown in a small white town No to byl jen setmění v malé bílé města
They call it eastside Palm Dell Říkají to eastside Palm Dell
When the Afro Man walked through the white land Když Afro Muž chodil po bílé zemi
Houses went up for sale Šel domů k prodeji
Well I was standin' on the corner sellin' rap CD's Tak jsem byl Standin 'na rohu SELLIN' rap CD
when I met a little girl named Jan Když jsem se setkal s malou dívkou s názvem ledna
I let her ride in my Caddy Nechal jsem jí jezdit v mé Caddy
cuz I didn't know her daddy was the leader of the Ku Klux Klan cuz jsem nevěděl, její otec byl vůdce Ku Klux Klan
We fucked on the bed Jsme v prdeli na postel
Fucked on the flo' Fucked o flo '
Fucked so long I grew a fuckin' afro Fucked tak dlouho jsem vyrostl a kurva 'afro
Then I fucked to the left Pak jsem v prdeli doleva
Fucked to the right V prdeli s právem
She sucked my dick 'til the shit turned white Ona cucal mého ptáka 'Til the hovno obrátil bílý
I thought to myself Myslel jsem, že na sebe
Sheeba sheeba got my ass lookin' like a zebra Sheeba sheeba můj zadek Hledal 'jako zebra
I put on my clothes and I was on my way Já jsem dal na mé šaty a byla jsem na mé cestě
Until her daddy pulled up in a Chevrolet Do její táta táhnou až do Chevrolet
So I ran, I jumped out the back window Tak jsem běžel jsem vyskočila ven zadní okno
But her daddy, he was waitin with a two-by-fo' Ale její otec byl waitin se ve dvou-o-fo '
Oh, he beat me to the left No, on mě do levé
He beat me to the right On mě v pravé
The motherfucker whooped my ass all night Na svině whooped můj zadek celou noc
But I ain't mad at her prejudice dad Ale není blázen v ní jsou dotčena táta
That's the best damn pussy I ever had To je zatraceně nejlepší píču jsem kdy měl
Got a bad of weed and a bottle o' wine Mám špatné plevelů a láhev o 'vínem
I'm a fuck that bitch just one more time Jsem kurva tu děvku jen ještě jednou
Colt 45 and two zig-zags Colt 45 a dva cik-zags
Baby that's all we need Baby to je vše, co potřebujete
We can go to the park after dark smoke that tumbleweed Můžeme jít do parku po tmavém kouři, že laskavec
And as the marijuana burn A jako marihuana pálit
We can take our turn Můžeme vzít naši zase
Singin' them dirty rap songs Singin 'je špinavej rap písničky
Stop and hit the bong like Cheech and Chong Zastav a kliknout na bong, jako Cheech a Chong
It still takes from here to Hong Kong Stále trvá odtud do Hong Kongu

So roll, roll, roll my joint Takže roll, roll, rolka mé společné
Pick out the seeds and stems Vybrat semen a stopky
Feelin' high as hell flyin' through Palm Dell FEELIN 'vysoká jako peklo Flyin' přes Palm Dell
Skatin on datin rims Skatin na datin ráfky
So roll, roll the 83 Takže na válce, válec: 83
Cadallac Coupe Caville Cadallac Coupe Caville
If my tapes and my cd's just don't sell Pokud můj pásek a moje cd je jen neprodáváte
I bet my Cavy will Vsadím se, že moje morče bude
I met this lady in Hollywood Potkal jsem tuto dámu v Hollywoodu
She had green hair but damn she looked good Měla zelené vlasy, ale ona vypadala zatraceně dobrý
I took her to my house Vzal jsem ji do mého domu
Cuz she was fine Cuz byla pokuta
But she whooped out a dick that was bigger than mine Ale ona whooped z čurák, který byl větší než já
I met this lady from Japan Potkal jsem tuto dámu z Japonska
Never made love with an African Nikdy se zamiloval do jedné z afrických
I fucked her once Já ji jednou v prdeli
I fucked her twice I v prdeli jí dvakrát
I ate that pussy like shrimp fried rice Snědl jsem, že kočička, jako krevety smažené rýže
Don't be amazed at the stories I tell ya Nenechte se zhrozili se na příběhy Říkám ano
I met a woman in the heart of Australia Potkal jsem ženu v srdci Austrálie
Had a big butt and big titties, too Měl velký zadek a velký kozy taky
So I hopped in her ass like a kangaroo Tak jsem chmelené v ní prdel jako klokan
See I met this woman from Hawaii Viz jsem potkal tu ženu z Hawaii
Stuck it in her ass and she said IE Stuck jí ho do zadku a řekla: IE
Lips was breakfast Rty se snídaní
Pussy was lunch Pussy byl oběd
Then her titties busted open with Hawaiin punch Pak ji zatkli kozy otevřít se Hawaiin punč
Met Colonel Sanders wife in the state of Kentucky Colonel Sanders potkal ženu ve státě Kentucky
She said I'll fry some chicken if you just bump me Řekla, že budu smažit některé kuřecí, pokud jen rána mi
I came in her mouth Přišel jsem v ní úst
It was a crisis Byla to krize
I gave her my secret blend of herbs and spices Dal jsem jí moje tajná směs bylin a koření
Colt 45 and two zig-zags Colt 45 a dva cik-zags
Baby that's all we need Baby to je vše, co potřebujete
We can go to the park after dark smoke that tumbleweed Můžeme jít do parku po tmavém kouři, že laskavec
And as the marijuana burn A jako marihuana pálit
We can take our turn Můžeme vzít naši zase
Singin' them dirty rap songs Singin 'je špinavej rap písničky
Stop and hit the bong like Cheech and Chong Zastav a kliknout na bong, jako Cheech a Chong
It still takes from here to Hong Kong Stále trvá odtud do Hong Kongu

I met Dolly Parton in Tennessee Potkal jsem Dolly Parton v Tennessee
Her titties were filled with hennessy Její kozy byli naplněni Hennessy
That country music really drove me crazy To skutečně lidová hudba vyhnali mě blázen
But I rode that ass and said "Yes, Miss Daisy" Ale jel jsem, že prdel a řekl: "Ano, slečno Daisy"
Met this lady in Oklahoma Splněna tato dáma v Oklahoma
Put that pussy in a coma Dejte to kočička v komatu
Met this lady in Michigan I can't wait 'til I fuck that bitch again Splněna tato dáma v Michiganu nemůžu čekat, 'til, že jsem kurva zase děvko
Met a real black girl down in South Carolina Splněno skutečnou černou holku v Jižní Karolíně
Fucked her 'til she turned into a white albina Fucked ji 'til ona proměnila v bílé albina
Fucked this hooker in Iowa Fucked této šlapka v Iowa
I fucked her on credit, so I owe her I v prdeli ji na úvěr, tak jsem jí dlužím
Fucked this girl down in Georgia V prdeli to děvče v Gruzii
Came in her mouth now I thought I told ya Stalo v její ústa teď jsem myslel, že jsem řekl ano
Met this beautiful sexy ho Splnit tento krásný sexy ll
She just ran 'cross the border of Mexico Právě probíhala 'překračují hranici Mexiko
Fine young thang said her name's Maria Luxusní mladých thang řekl její jméno Maria
I wrapped her up just like a hot tortilla I zabalené ji jen jako horký tortilla
I wanna get married but I can't afford it Chci se oženit, ale nemůžu si to dovolit
I know I'm a cry when she get deported Vím, že jsem brečet, když si deportováni
Colt 45 and two zig-zags Colt 45 a dva cik-zags
Baby that's all we need Baby to je vše, co potřebujete
We can go to the park after dark smoke that tumbleweed Můžeme jít do parku po tmavém kouři, že laskavec
As the marijuana burn Vzhledem k tomu, že marihuana pálit
We can take our turn Můžeme vzít naši zase
Singin' them dirty rap songs Singin 'je špinavej rap písničky
Stop and hit the bong like Cheech and Chong Zastav a kliknout na bong, jako Cheech a Chong
It still takes from here to Hong Kong Stále trvá odtud do Hong Kongu

Have you ever went ova' a girl's house to fuck Už jste někdy šli vajíček 'holka domu do prdele
But the pussy just ain't no good? Ale právě kočička není nic dobrého? (say what) (řekněme, co)
I mean you gettin' upset cuz you can't get her wet Mám na mysli vás gettin 'naštvaný cuz nemůžete dostat ji za mokra
Plus you in the wrong neighborhood Plus jste ve špatné čtvrti
So you try to play it off and eat the pussy Takže si zkuste hrát ho a jedli kočička
But it take her so long to cum Ale to si ji tak dlouho, aby ejakulovat
Then a dude walk in Pak se na procházku v vole
That's her big boyfriend To je její velký přítel
And he asks you where you from (where you from homey?) A on zeptá, kde si z (kde z vás doma?)
So you wipe your mouth and you try to explain (I don't bang) Takže si utírat pusu a pokusu vysvětlit (nemám třesku)
You start talkin' real fast (I don't bang) Spustíte mluvím 'skutečné rychle (nemám třesku)
But he already mad cuz you fuckin' his woman Ale on už šílených cuz vám kurva 'jeho žena
So he start beatin' on yo' ass Takže ten začátek beatin 'on yo' ass
Now ya clothes all muddy Teď tě oblečení všech rozbahnenému
Ya nose all bloody Ya nos všechny krvavé
Your dick was hard but now it's all (what) Vaše péro bylo těžké, ale teď je to všechno (co)
You thought you had a girl to rock your world Myslíš, že jsi měl holku na rock váš svět
Now you still gotta go jack off Nyní si ještě musím onanovat
Said colt 45 and two zig-zags Řekl oslátko 45 a dva cik-zags
Baby that's all we need Baby to je vše, co potřebujete
We can go to the park... Můžeme jít do parku ...

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