This is the manifesto of Mother Brainfart. In Vulvulon , a system of interplanetary planets, there were two races of humanoidians, The Bitchy Dancers, and The Mucusheads. On the first day of the festival of the bleeding disco ball, Queen Cornerface decreed, "From this day forth the citizens of Planet Fabulust shall only communicate via Madonna songs. The Bitchy Dancers protested saying "wait, which Madonna songs?" The Mucus heads said nothing because they we're mucusheads. Thus began the dance war. Now watch this unrelated video
It doesn't matter if you make due, or make doo doo, (she bumps into people on the floor) excuse me, sorry. Just turn the music up cus I've got words to say...gravy
My momma told me when you write a song you don't have to be original
Just mash up parts of other melodies like "Express Yourself" and "Waterfalls"
Hey hey hey
If someone notices and tries to sue. You can claim that it's just an homage.
Then make a video with whips and chains it's kooky sci fi gay pride collage
I'm running out of ideas
My dress is made of tortillas
I'm on my last leg baby
I got nothing to say
I'm on a hamster wheel
So I'll beg borrow and steal
Now I'm grasping at straws
What If I bang Santa Clause
When you don't know what to say
Just display more T&A
Check out my butt while I walk away
Everyone is super gay
Gay gay gay everyday
Hey wait, did I mention that I'm down with gays
Don't be a rainbow be a flag
Don't drink the tea just lick the bag
Don't be shovel be a hoe
Goddamn my voice is really low
I just don't know what to do anymore What if I roll around with goo on the floor
This feels disgusting and its really cold, Sometimes its hard to be an attention whore
I have to cheer up this skeleton cus I convinced him to rip off his skin
It's hard to tell if he's still mad at me becuase when he frowns it looks like a grin
Don't go for second best ba...
Wait that's the song I ripped off maybe i am second best.
Copy Madonna so much
I think I'm losing my touch
I think I'll just put on mom jeans and a Gap sweater vest
The only thing left to do
Is to just start boring you
I'm going to shop at Kohls for some sensible shoes