I won't tell nobody
I'll just scream it in my mind
Nothing good in life is scripted
It's not like we predicted
That the one you want
Is gonna be the one you thought
I won't tell nobody
But I won't live like a prisoner
Nothing has to be so perfect
Can you tell me was it worth it
Because her heart can't lie
And even though her face may try
Love can keep you up all night
[Chorus (mainly Nick):]
Cause love will keep you up all night
It's not something you can decide
One day you're all alone
The next you're crying on the phone
Love will keep you up all night
You got a taste of sweet divine
It took you to the other side
Love will keep you up all night
If I don't tell a living soul
Still everyone would know
Yes they would
It's always three am somewhere
You know it when you get there
Some people try to cover it up
Some people think it's never enough (never enough)
[Chorus (mainly AJ):]
Cause love will keep you up all night
It's not something you can decide
One day you're all alone
The next you're crying on the phone
Love will keep you up all night
You got a taste of sweet divine
It took you to the other side
Love will keep you up all night
I don't mean to scare you
But everybody has a first time
One day when you're old and gray
Don't look back and never say
You should have tried
Stayed up all night
Love will keep you up all night
It's not something you can decide
One day you're all alone
The next you're crying on the phone
Love will keep you up all night
You got a taste of sweet divine
It took you to the other side
To the other side
Love will keep you up all night
It's not something you can decide
One day you're all alone
The next you're cryin', you're cryin'
Love will keep you up all night
You got a taste of sweet divine
It took you to the other side
Love will keep you up all night
Love will keep you up all night
Love will keep you up all night
Nikomu to nepoviem,
len mi to bude znieť v hlave
Nič dobré nie je v živote naplánované
Nie je to ako sme predpokladali,
že ten, ktorého chcete
bude ten ktorého ste mali na mysli
Nikomu to nepoviem,
ale ani nebudem žiť ako väzeň
Nič nemusí byť také perfektné
Môžeš mi povedať, či to stálo za to?
Pretože jej srdce nedokáže klamať,
hoci jej tvár sa o to môže pokúsiť
Láska ťa udrží hore celú noc, hm...
Pretože láska ťa udrží hore celú noc
Nie je to niečo o čom môžeš rozhodnúť
Na druhý deň si úplne sama
A na ďalší deň plačeš do telefónu
Láska ťa udrží hore celú noc
Musíš ochutnať ten sladký zázrak
a preniesť sa na druhú stranu
Láska ťa udrží hore celú noc
Keby som to nepovedal ani živej duši
aj tak by to každý vedel
Áno, vedeli by
Vždy sú niekde tri hodiny ráno
Vieš to, keď sa tam dostaneš
Niektorí ľudia sa to snažia zakryť
Niektorí ľudia si myslia, že toho nikdy nie je dosť (nikdy dosť)
Nemám v úmysle Ťa vystrašiť,
ale každý to raz zažije po prvý krát
Jedného dňa, keď budeš stará a šedivá,
neobzri sa späť a nikdy nepovedz,
že si to mala vtedy skúsiť
Ostať hore celú noc...