Pátek, 21. února 2025, svátek má Lenka

Poster Girl - Backstreet boys

BBackstreet boys - Never Gone - Poster Girl

Ohodnoť toto video:

Yeah,yeah, yeah

Julie was a long along way from home
She could make alone look pretty
Her attitude made a part of her landscape
Riding her bike through Alphabet City
She likes to party in the backseat
Under the bridge on the Brooklyn side
Smoking cigarettes in the afterglow
Taking bets that the sun won´t rise

She said, "What good is tomorrow without a guarantee?"
She can lick her lips and smile
And make you wanna believe

That the consequences of your actions really are just a game
That your life is just a chain reaction taking you day by day
She says nothing´s forever in this crazy world
Still I´m falling in love with the right now poster girl

Right now right now
Oh, ohh

Julie liked to shop lift in stores
Ride alongside the rich and famous
Get in elevators, press ´emergency stop´
And make love on the floor ´til the camera made us
And no woman in the world ever made me feel like my heart´s on fire
Where she´d walk I´d follow (follow)
When she left I cried

What good is tomorrow without a guarantee?
I was wrapped around her finger
and I began to believe

That the consequences of your actions really are just a game
That your life is just a chain reaction taking you day by day
She says nothing´s forever in this crazy world
Still I´m falling in love with the right now poster girl

That the consequences of your actions really are just a game
That your life is just a chain reaction taking you day by day
She says nothing´s forever in this crazy world (crazy world)
Still I´m falling in love with the right now poster girl

La la la la
La la la la
La la la la la (la la la la la)
La la la la
La la la la (la la la la)
La la la la la

Tell me what you want from me
I´ve got everything you need
It´s getting hard for me to breathe
Let me be your guarantee

That the consequences of your actions really are just a game
That your life is just a chain reaction taking you day by day
She says nothing´s forever in this crazy world
Still I´m falling in love with the right now poster girl

That the consequences (poster girl) of your actions really are just a game
That your life is just a chain reaction taking you day by day
She says nothing´s forever in this crazy world (crazy world)
Still I´m falling in love with the right now poster girl

Right now, right now
Right now, ohhh ohh
Poster girl
Poster girl, yeah
Come on, come on, yeah

Jodie bola ďaleko od domova
ale skvele to zvládala.
Každý v okolí sa fascinovane pozeral
keď išla cez mesto na svojom bicykli.
Rada sa zabávala na zadnom sedadle auta
skrytá pod mostom, ale na tej pokojnej brooklynskej strane.
Pri večernom stmievaí fajčiť cigarety a uzatvárať stávky,
že ráno nevyjde slnko.

Povedala: nikdy never, že príde zajtrajšok!Ži dnes!
Pritom si oblízla pery, šibalsky sa zasmiala
a snažila sa nahovoriť ti, že všetko, čo robíš,
je len hra a tvoj život je len jedna monotónna reťazová reakcia.

Povedala: nič v tomto šialenom svete netrvá večne
Aj napriek tomu ešte stále milujem toto krásne ale
povrchné "teraz-alebo-nikdy" - plagátpvé dievča.

Aby udržala krok s bohatými a krásnymi,
kradne Jodie šaty po butikoch
Vo výťahu rada stlačí núdzový gombík
aby mala sex, až kým nás neprezradí bezpečnostná kamera
Pre žiadnu inú ženu na tomto svete sa nikdy tak nezapálilo moje srdce
Oddane som ju všade nasledoval
a keď odišla, môj svet sa zrútil.

Bez nej už niet zajtrajška
Obmotala si ma okolo svojho prstíka
a ja som jej na všetko naletel

Povedz mi, po čom túžiš
mám všetko, čo potrebuješ
Nenenchávaš mi vzduch na dýchanie
aj napriek tomu chcem byť tvojou istotou

Tak už konečne poď, ty jedinečná povrchnosť

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