Be alive
Within my mind
I'm free
I'm alive
Don't want sects
Don't want lies
Just break the wall between you and me
Color my life
Enjoy my mind
I know mom says : "Don't speak to strangers"
One against one, Always for a fight | x2
One by one into ignorance
I swear on my honor
And I hold my anger
Live every day as the last one
Alive |
| x2
Be alive |
Who do I trust?
I don't care
Speak without distrust or wait
I don't want to be alone
I swear on my honor
And I hold my anger
Live every day as the last one
Alone I'm afraid I become crazy
I don't manage to choose my way
Alone I'm afraid of my enemies
So many fights to exist
Forget who i am by irony
I don't want the peace by throught
All together I know that you can help me
Be alive
Alive |
| x2
Be alive |
Who do I trust?
I don't care
Speak without distrust or wait
I don't want to be alone
I swear on my honor
And I hold my anger
Live every day as the last one
Alone I'm afraid I become crazy
I don't manage to choose my way
Alone I'm afraid of my enemies
So many fights to exist
Forget who i am by irony
I don't want the peace by throught
All together I know that you can help me
Be alive
Alive |
| x2
Be alive |
You don't care
Within my mind
I'm free
I'm alive
Be Alive
Autor: Black Bomb A
Album: One Sound Bite to React
Autor: Black Bomb A
Album: One Sound Bite to React
Autor: Black Bomb A
Album: Speech of freedom