Love, Do you have another word
Sex, My pleasure is under control
I miss the taste of your skin
Hell, My body is a Fuck-Machine
Don't look into my eyes
You already know that I can't be yours
Don't put your lips on me
Now we cannot go back
Don't touch my ardent skin
My Angel, Your wings are in flames
Don't believe that is a sin
You know it, You and I, It's not a crime
Now I know what I lose
I lose the urge to lie
Now I know what I want
I want to live a single
Love, Do you have antother word
Sex, My pleasure is under control
Now I know that you want me
Let me play with all your desires
No you will not let me be free
When I play let me be your driver
This is a night for a life
Deep inside goodness I don't feel
Yeah this evening
You're my wife, I'm your bitch
Your porno slut
Love me, Lady
Lady Lazy
Lazy, Leave me
I'm yours
Leave me, Lady
Lady Lazy
Lazy, Love me
I'm yours
If I know what I lose
I don't know what I win
Deep inside
I fell something's missing
I miss the taste of your skin
Hell, My body is a Fuck-Machine
Love me, Lady
Lady Lazy
Lazy, Leave me
I'm yours
Leave me, Lady
Lady Lazy
Lazy, Love me
I'm yours
Nobody understands |
The lack of love | x5
The hell of sex wasting |
Everyone of us |
Autor: Black Bomb A
Album: Speech of freedom
Lets Roll
Autor: Black Bomb A
Album: One Sound Bite to React
Be My Guest
Autor: Black Bomb A
Album: One Sound Bite to React
Legalize Me
Autor: Black Bomb A
Album: Speech of freedom