Hidden like an animal
Don't trust me
Because I won't show pity for you
Show me respect - No
Give me your monay - No
Pay with your life - No
Together in great life
Another new army
The same thing every day
Peace and love for money
A prayer for all
Another new army
The same thing every day
Peace and love for money
They lock us up between walls
Mental, Or physical, Invisible
They claim: "It's the solution"
Menta, Or physical, Invisible
Pay for the right to live and die
Mental Or physical, Invisible
They lock us up between walls
Free your minf from this hell
Another new army
The same thing every day
Peace and love for money
A prayer for all
Another new army
The same thing every day
Peace and love for money
They lock us up between walls
Mental, Or physical, Invisible
They claim: "It's the solution"
Menta, Or physical, Invisible
Pay for the right to live and die
Mental Or physical, Invisible
They lock us up between walls
Free your minf from this hell
The pride of manking makes me ashamed and sad
Egoism of manking makes me feel so bad
Who am I? Who do I judge?
Am I supposed to apologize?
What can I do? Just react with no escuse
Just react with no escuse
Mental, Or physical, Invisible |
Find the key to your jail |
They lock us up between walls | x2
Mental, Or physical, Invisible |
Free your mind from this hell |
Lady Lazy
Autor: Black Bomb A
Album: One Sound Bite to React
Autor: Black Bomb A
Album: Speech of freedom
Autor: Black Bomb A
Album: Human Bomb
Autor: Black Bomb A
Album: One Sound Bite to React