Pondělí, 10. března 2025, svátek má Viktorie

Captain Crash and The Beauty Queen From Mars - Bon Jovi

BBon Jovi - Crush - Captain Crash and The Beauty Queen From Mars

Ohodnoť toto video:

Dressed up for a big date
Like Halloween day but it was Fourth of July now
A car crash with a suitcase and a painted face
She was one of a kind
She wears a plastic crown like Cinderella
And roller skates in bed

Crash rides the greyhound from his hometown
When he comes around 'cause they don't let him drive now
Mixed up as a milkshake
But make no mistake
They're shooting for the stars

You and me
We're invincible together
We can be so tragical, whatever
Dressed up just like ziggy but he couldn't play guitar
Captain Crash and the beauty queen from mars

Share a toothpick, trading lipstick
Watching traffic for days at the diner
Holding hands, making big plans
Playing Superman, he was wearing eyeliner
Another local legend and his longtime lucky charm

You and me
We're invincible together
We can be so tragical, whatever
Dressed up just like ziggy but he couldn't play guitar
Captain Crash and the beauty queen from mars

They're drunk on love as you can get
Getting high on lust and cigarettes
Living life with no regrets
At least they're gonna try to fly

You and me
We're invincible together
We can be so tragical, whatever
We're Sid and Nancy
Fred and Ginger
Clyde and Bonnie
Liz and Richard
Kurt and Courtney
Bacall and Bogie
Joltin' Joe and Ms. Monroe
Here's captain crash and the beauty queen from mars

Oblečení na slávnostný deň
ako Halloween,ale bolo štvrtého júla
Havária s kufrom a namaľovanou tvárou
Bol jediný svojho druhu
Nosí umelohmotnú korunu ako Popoluška
A kolieskové korčule v posteli

Jazdí na chrtovi zo svojho rodného mesta
Keď príde na návštevu
Pretože mu už nedovolia šoférovať
Namiešaný ako milkshake
Ale bez chybičky
Crash vyzerá ako hviezda

Ty a ja
Spolu sme neporaziteľní
Môžme byť aj tragickí, nech
Oblečený presne ako Ziggy
ale nevedel hrať na gitare
Kapitán katastrofa & kráľovná krásy s Marsu

Delia sa o špáradlo
Vymieňajú si rúž
Zopár dní pri večeri pozorovali premávku
Držia sa za ruky, robia veľké plány
Hrajú sa na Supermana, on mal očnú linku
Ďalšia miestna legenda
A jeho dlhodobá šťastena


Sú opití láskou ako sa len dá
Omámení túžbou a cigaretami
Žijú si život bez ľutovana
Aspoň sa pokúsia lietať

Ty a ja
Spolu sme neporaziteľní
Môžeme byť aj tragickí, nech
Sme Sid a Nancy
Fred a Ginger
Clyde a Bonnie
Liz a Richard
Kurt a Curtney
Bacall a Bogie
Joltin Joe a slečna Monroe
To sú Kapitán Katastrofa a kráľovná krásy
z Marsu

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