I am what I am, so I...
Spit you out!
Do I, cut the ties? or do I, hold on tight?!
Time has come for me to realize
All those things I loved I now despise
But it's, my life!
(I'm taking back what's mine!)
It's, our, time!
(To rise above!)
It's, my, life!
(I'm taking back what's mine!)
It's, our, time!
Your pictures on my wall
With this around me I don't feel it's over
I've never felt this way before
With you around me I don't feel it's over
I am what I am, so I...
Spit you out!
Can you justify how I...
Time has come for me to realize
All those things I loved I now despise
But it's, my life!
(I'm taking back what's mine!)
It's, our, time!
(To rise above!)
It's, my, life!
(I'm taking back what's mine!)
It's, our, time!
Your pictures on my wall
With this around me I don't feel it's over
I've never felt this way before
With you around me I don't feel it's over now!
The end!
I know you're faking!
You try to get me back!
I know you're faking it!
The end!
(..feel it's over..)
(..feel it's over..)
(Bullet for my Valentine! *crowd cheering*)
(How ya doin' everyone?! *crowd cheers again*)
But it's, my life!
(I'm taking back what's mine!)
It's, our, time!
(To rise above!)
It's, my, life!
(I'm taking back what's mine!)
It's, our, time!
To rise above!
Som čo som
Tak ja...(ťa vyplúvam?)
prerezávam suky alebo sa stále držím?
Prišiel čas aby som si uvedomil že
všetky veci ktoré som miloval teraz zatracujem
Ale je to môj život
berem si späť čo je moje
je náš čas vystúpiť
ale je to môj život
berem si späť čo je moje je náš čas
Tvoje fotky na stene
s týmto okolo mňa, neverím že to skončilo
nikdy som sa takto necitil
s tebou okolo mna, neverím že to skončilo
Som čosom
Tak ja...(ťa vyplúvam?)
a ty si spokojná, ako ja...
Prišiel čas aby som si uvedomil že
všetky veci ktoré som miloval teraz zatracujem