I wouldn't realize
that this could happen
You abandoned this world
that's full of lies
You left your dreams to me
You left this burden
Was that a punishment to yourself
or just for me?
But now I'm standing
on a desolate hill
and weeping at the damned truth
that I lost you
Why? You're laying down
the place within roses
I believe your innocent soul
has ascended to heaven
There is just one memory
left from you
The crimson dust of your bed
in my hands
Lack of yours and its grief,
hidden in my tears
Ashes to ashes
dust to crimson dust
Your bed turns into red
from your hair
Thousands of stars
on your shadow in the sky
Moonlight is the blaze of your eyes
But now I'm standing
on a desolate hill
And winds are whispering
your name into my ears
Neuvedomila som si,
že sa to môže stať
Opustil si tento svet
Je to kopa lží
Nechal si mi svoje sny
Nechal svoje bremeno
Bol to trest aj pre teba
alebo len pre mňa?
Ale teraz stojim
na zničenom vrchu
a plačem pre tú prekliatú pravdu
že som ťa stratila
Prečo? Ležíš dole
na mieste medzi ružami
Verím, že tvoja nevinná duša
vystúpila do neba
Ostala len jedna spomienka
od teba
Červený prach tvojej postele
v mojích rukách
Tvoja neprítomnosť a to trápenie
skryté v mojích slzách
Popol k popolu
prach k červenému prachu
Tvoja posťeľ sa mení v červenú
od tvojích vlasov
Tisíce hviezd
na tvojom tieni na oblohe
Mesačný svit je žiara v tvojích očiach
Ale teraz stojim
na zničenom vrchu
A vietor šeptá
tvoje meno do mojích uší
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