Neděle, 08. září 2024, svátek má Mariana

Does He Love Me I Wanna Know - Cher

CCher - The Best of Cher - Does He Love Me I Wanna Know

Ohodnoť toto video:

Does he love me I wanna know
How can I tell if he loves me so
Is it in his eyes?
Oh no you'll be deceived
Is it in his eyes?
Oh no he'll make believe
If you wanna know if he loves you so
It's in his kiss
That's where it is

Or is it in his face?
Oh no it's just his charms
In his warm embrace?
Oh no that's just his arms
If you wanna know if he loves you so
It's in his kiss
That's where it is
Woah It's in his kiss
That's where it is

Woah hug him and squeeze him tight
Find out what you want to know
If it's love if it really is
It's there in his kiss
How 'bout the way he acts?
Oh no that's not the way
And you're not listnin' to all I said
If you wanna know if he loves you so
It's in his kiss
That's where it is
Woah It's in his kiss
That's where it is


Oh yeah it's in his kiss
That's where it is
Oh it's in his kiss
That's where it is
Oh it's in his kiss
That's where it is
Oh oh it's in his kiss
That's where it is
Oh ohh it's in his... kiss
That's where it is....

Ráda bych věděla, jestli mě miluje
Jak můžu říct, jestli mě taky tak miluje
Je to v jeho očích?
Oh ne, budeš oklamána
Je to v jeho očích?
Oh ne, bude stále věřit
Pokud chceš vědět, jestli tě miluje
Tak je to v jeho očích
Je to tam, kde to je

Nebo je to v jeho tváři?
Oh ne, to je pouze jeho šarm
Je to v jeho žhavých obejmutích?
Oh ne, to jsou jenom jeho paže
Pokud chceš vědět, jestli vás tak miluje
Je to v jeho polibcích
Je to tam, kde to je
Whoah, je to v jeho polibcích
Je to tam, kde to je

Whoah, obejmi ho a pevně ho sevři
Zjisti, co jsi chtěla vědět
To, jestli je ta láska opravdová
Je v jeho polibcích
A jakým způsobem to udělá?
Oh ne, to není zůsob
A neposloucháš, co jsem říkala
Pokud chceš vědět, jestli tě tak miluje
Je to v jeho polibcích
Je to tam, kde to je
Whoah, je to v jeho polibcích
Je to tam, kde to je

Oh yeah, je to v jeho polibcích
Je to tam, kde to je
Oh, je to v jeho polibcích
Je to tam, kde to je
Oh, je to v jeho polibcích
Je to tam, kde to je
Oh, je to v jeho polibcích
Je to tam, kde to je
Oh, je to v jeho... polibcích
Je to tam, kde to je...

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