Pondělí, 10. března 2025, svátek má Viktorie

Ain't No Other Man - Christina Aguilera

CChristina Aguilera - Keeps getting better-The best of - Ain't No Other Man

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Ain't No Other Man
Do your thang honey!

I could feel it from the start,
Couldn't stand to be apart.
Something about you caught my eye,
Something moved me deep inside!
Don't know what you did boy but
You had it and I've been hooked ever since.
I told my mother, my brother, my sister and my friend
I told the others, my lovers, from past and present tense.
Everytime I see you everything starts making sense.

Do your thang honey!

Ain't no other man, can stand up next to you
Ain't no other man on the planet does what you do
(what you do).
You're the kinda guy, a girl finds in a blue moon.
You got soul, you got class.
You got style with your bad ass - oh yeah!
Ain't no other man its true - all right -
Ain't no other man but you.

Do your thang honey!

Never thought I'd be all right. No, no, no!
Till you came and changed my life. Yeah, yeah, yeah!
What was cloudy now is clear! Yeah, yeah!
You're the light that I needed.
You got what I want boy, and I want it!
So keep on givin' it up!

Tell your mother, your brother, your sister, and your friend.
And the others, your lovers, better not be present tense.
Cause I want everyone to know that you are mine and no one else's!

Oooooooo, oh!

Ain't no other man, can stand up next to you
Ain't no other man on the planet does what you do
(what you do).
You're the kinda guy, a girl finds in a blue moon.
You got soul, you got class.
You got style your bad ass - oh yeah!
Ain't no other man it's true - all right -
Ain't no other man but you.

Break it down now!

Ain't no other, ain't, ain't no other! (other)
Ain't no other, ain't, ain't no other LOVER!
Ain't no other, I, I, I need no other!
Ain't no other man but you!


You are there when I'm a mess
Talk me down from every ledge
Give me strength, boy you're the best
You're the only one who's ever passed every test

Ain't no other man, can stand up next to you
Ain't no other man on the planet does what you do
(what you do).
You're the kinda guy, a girl finds in a blue moon.
(You're the kinda guy, a girl finds oooo yeahh)
You got soul, you got class.
You got style your bad ass - oh yeah!
Ain't no other man it's true - all right -
Ain't no other man but you.

And now I'm tellin' you, so ain't no other man but you.

Ain't no other man, can stand up next to you
Ain't no other man on the planet does what you do
(what you do).
You're the kinda guy, a girl finds in a blue moon.
You got soul, you got class.
You got style your bad ass - oh yeah!
Ain't no other man it's true - all right -
Ain't no other man but you.

(Rob, čo máš, zlatko)
Cítila som to od samého začiatku
Nemohla som bez teba byť
Niečo na tebe mi padlo do oka
Niečo sa vo mne hlboko pohlo
Neviem, čo si urobil, chlapče
Ale mal si to isté niečo
Od tej chvíle ma to dostalo
Povedala som to svojej mame, svojmu bratovi
Svojej sestre a sojim priateľom
Všetkým daľším, svojim milencom
Minulým aj súčasným
Že vždy, keď ťa vidím
Začína mať všetko zmysel

Žiadny iný muž
S tebou neudrží krok
Žiadny iný muž na celom svete
Nerobí to, čo robíš ty
Ty si ten muž
Akého môže dievča nájsť len zriedka
Máš dušu, si trieda
Máš štýl, si môj darebák
Neexistuje žiadny iný muž, to je pravda
Okrem teba neexistuje žiadny iný muž

Nikdy som si nemyslela, že budem v pohode
Než si prišiel a zmenil si môj život
To, čo bolo vtedy zamračené,
Sa teraz rozjasnilo
Vďaka svetlu, ktoré som potrebovala
Máš to, čo chcem, chlapče
A ja to chcem, pokračuj teda ďalej
Rozprávaj to svojej mame, svojmu bratovi
Svojej sestre a svojim priateľom
A všetkým ostatním, svojím milenkám
Bolo by to lepšie,
Keby si teraz žiadne nemal
Pretože by som chcela,
Aby každý vedel
Že si môj
A nikoho iného

Neexistuje žiadny, žiadny žiadny iný
Neexistuje žiadny, žiadny, žiadny iný milenec
Neexistuje žiadny iný
Ja, ja, ja nikoho nepotrebujem
Neexistuje žiadny iný, iba ty

Si tu, keď som na tom zle
Dostaneš ma vždy pevne na zem
Dodávaš mi silu, chlapče
Si ten najlepší
Si jediný
Ktorý zvládol každú skúšku

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