it was a night like this
under the stars, one kiss
and i totally know you are the one
and i have no reservations (no)
that day is still on my mind
i play it over in rewind
but i'll never get why you never felt
the same way that i did
i wish you could've crash into me
no turning back, totally lost in the rush
the way that i was totally lost in you
why couldn't you crash into me
why can't you look pass
all the things holding you back
the way that i have been doing the same for you
why can't you crash in me
one look is all that i needed to know
that you are for me
and i didn't need no more conformation
so why do you ask so many questions
don't understand what makes you keep holding back
if you'd just let our world's collide you'd feel so much better
i wish you could've crash into me
no turning back, totally lost in the rush
the way that i was totally lost in you
why couldn't you crash into me
why can't you look pass
all the things holding you back
the way that i have been doing the same for you
why can't you crash in me
why are you so afraid of letting go
it's like something's got a hold
but instead of going down that road
why won't you crash into me
no turning back, totally lost in the rush
the way that i was totally into you
why couldn't you crash into me
why can't you look pass
all the things holding you back
the same way i have been doing the same for you
why won't you crash into me
why won't you crash into me
why won't you crash into me
why won't you crash (oh)
why won't you crash into me
Bola to noc ako táto,
pod hviezdami, jeden bozk
a ja som hned vedela,že si ten pravý.
Nemala som žiadne výhrady (nie),
ten deň je stále v mojej mysli,
prehrávam si to stále dozadu.
Ale nikdy nepochopím, prečo si nikdy
necítil to isté, čo ja.
Prajem si,aby si vtedy vrazil do mňa,
nevracať sa späť, úplne stratení v rozruchu,
takým spôsobom,akým som bola ja stratená v tebe.
Prečo si nevrazil do mňa,
prečo sa nemôžeš pozerať,
pusti všetky veci,ktoré ťa zadržujú.
Presne tak,ako som to robila ja pre teba.
Prečo nemôžeš vraziť do mňa?
Jeden pohľad, to je všetko, čo som potrebovala aby som vedela,že si pre mňa.
A nepotrebovala som viacej potvrdení.
Tak prečo sa ma pýtaš toľko otázok?
Nechápem, čo ta zadržuje.
Kiežby si len nechal,aby sa naše svety stretli, cítil by sa o mnoho lepšie.
Prajem si,aby si vtedy vrazil do mňa,
nevracať sa späť, úplne stratení v rozruchu,
takým spôsobom,akým som bola ja stratená v tebe.
Prečo si nevrazil do mňa,
prečo sa nemôžeš pozerať,
pusti všetky veci,ktoré ťa zadržujú.
Presne tak,ako som to robila ja pre teba.
Prečo nemôžeš vraziť do mňa?
Prečo sa tak bojíš nechať všetko odísť,
je to akoby to niečo zadržiavalo,
ale namiesto pobrania sa po tejto ceste,
Prečo nevrazíš do mňa,
prečo sa nemôžeš pozerať,
pusti všetky veci,ktoré ťa zadržujú.
Presne tak,ako som to robila ja pre teba.
Prečo nemôžeš vraziť do mňa?
Prečo nemôžeš vraziť do mňa?
Prečo nemôžeš vraziť do mňa?
Prečo nemôžeš vraziť do mňa?