Pondělí, 10. března 2025, svátek má Viktorie

Burn - David Usher

DDavid Usher - Confessions - Burn

Ohodnoť toto video:

I don´t understand why
See it´s burning me to hold onto this
I know this is something I gotta do
But that don´t mean I want to
What I´m trying to say is that I-love-you i just,
I feel like this is coming to an end
And its better for me to
Let it go now than hold on and hurt you
I gotta let it burn

[Verse 1]
It´s gonna burn for me to say this
But it´s comin from my heart
It´s been a long time coming
we da been fell apart
Really wanna work this out
But I don´t think you´re gonna change
I do but you don´t
Think it´s best we go our separate ways
Tell me why I should stay in this relationship
When I´m hurting baby, I ain´t happy baby
Plus there´s so many other things I gotta deal with
I think that you should let it burn

When the feeling ain´t the same and your body don´t want to
But you know gotta let it go cuz the party ain´t jumpin´ like it used to
Even though this might bruise you
Let it burn
Let it burn
Gotta let it burn
Deep down you know it´s best for yourself but you
Hate the thought of her being with someone else
But you know that it´s over
We knew it was through
Let it burn
Let it burn
Gotta let it burn

[Verse 2]
Sendin´ pages I ain´t supposed to
Got somebody here but I want you
Cause the feelin ain´t the same find myself
Callin´ her your name
Ladies tell me do you understand?
And all my fellas do you feel my pain?
It´s the way I feel
I know I made a mistake
Now it´s too late
I know she ain´t comin back
What I gotta do now
To get my shorty back
Ooo ooo ooo ooooh
Man I don´t know what I´m gonna do
Without my boo
You´ve been gone for too long
It´s been fifty-leven days, um-teen hours
Imma be burnin´ till you return (let it burn)

When the feeling ain´t the same and your body don´t want to
But you know gotta let it go cuz the party ain´t jumpin´ like it used to
Even though this bruise you
Let it burn
Let it burn you gon´ learn
Gotta let it burn
Deep down you know it´s best for yourself but you
Hate the thought of her being with someone else
But you know that it´s over
We knew it was through
Let it burn
Let it burn
Gotta let it burn

I´m twisted cuz one side of me is tellin´ me
that I need to move on
On the other side I wanna break down
and cry (ooooh)
I´m twisted cuz one side of me is tellin´ me
that I need to move on
On the other side I wanna break down and cry (yeah)

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh oooh
Ooh ooh oooh (can ya feel me burnin´?)
Ooh ooh ooh oooh ooh oooh

So many days, so many hours
I´m still burnin´ till you return

When the feeling ain´t the same and your body don´t want to
But you know gotta let it go cuz the party ain´t jumpin´ like it used to
Even though this might bruise you
Let it burn
Let it burn you gon´ learn
Gotta let it burn
Deep down you know it´s best for yourself but you
Hate the thought of her being with someone else
But you know that it´s over
We knew it was through
Let it burn
Let it burn, let it burn
Gotta let it

Nechapem preco
pozri sa,som hotovy,ked v tom pokracujem
viem ze to je nieco co musim urobit
ale to neznamena ze to chcem
chcemtym povedat
ze ta milujem len
sa mi zda ze to konci
a pre mna je lepsie odist teraz
nez v tom pokracovat a ublizovat ti
musim to priste necht byt

Je pre mna strasne tazke toto hovorit
ale je to priamo zo srdca
chystalo sa to uz hrozne dlho
ale nas vztah konci
naozaj chcem aby to klapalo
ale neverim ze sa zmenis
ja sa zmenim ale ty nie
myslim ze najlepsie bude ked sa rozideme
povedz mi preco by
mal ostavat v tomto vztahu
ked trpim baby
a okrem toho je tu este vela
dalsich veci ktore nemozem zvladnut
myslim ze by to proste mala nechat byt

ked uz pocit neje to co bol
a tvoje telo nechce
ale vie ze to musis necht byt
pretoze party skoncila
aj ked ta to mozno boli
nechaj to byt nechaj to byt musis to nechat byt

vo svojom vnutri vies ze to je pre teba to nejlepsie
ale myslis na to
ako je s niekym inym
ale vies ze to skoncilo
vedeli sme ze to konci
nechaj to byt nechaj to byt,musis to nechat byt

posielam dopisy ktore som posielat nechcel
mam tu niekoho ineho ale chcem teba
pretoze pocity nie su to co byvali,pristihol som sa ze
ju oslovujem inym menom
Damy povedzte chapete to?
Kluci citite moju bolest?
toto citim
viem ze som urobil chybu
teraz je velmi neskoro ona sa nevrati
co mam urobit
aby ziskal svoju malicku naspat?
ooo ooo ooo oooh
clovece neviem co budem robit
bez svojho drahuska
si uz tak dlho prec
uz 66 dni
zhorim nez sa vratis


som zmeteny preto ze jedna moja cast mi hovori ze
musim zit dalej
na druhej strane
sa chcem zrutit a plakat oooh 2
ooh ooh ooh...........
vidis ako mizerne sa citim
ooh ooh ooh.........

tolko dni tolko hodin
zhorim nez sa vratis

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