Pondělí, 10. března 2025, svátek má Viktorie

My Boo Ft.Alicia Keys - David Usher

DDavid Usher - Confessions - My Boo Ft.Alicia Keys

Ohodnoť toto video:

There’s always that one person that will always have your heart
You'll never see it coming cause you’re blinded from the start
Know that you’re that one for me, it’s clear for everyone to see
Ooh baby aw..
You'll always be my boo

[Alicia Keys]
See, I don’t know about y’all but I know about us and uh
It’s the only way we know how to rock
I don’t know about y’all but I know about us and uh
It’s the only way we know how to rock

Do you remember, girl, I was the one who gave you your first kiss
Cause I remember, girl, I was the one who said put your lips like this
Even before all the fame and people screamin your name
Girl, I was there and you were my baby

It started when we were younger you were mine (my boo)
Now another brother's taken over but it’s still in you’re eyes (my boo)
Even though we use to argue it’s all right (my boo)
I know we haven’t seen each other in a while
But you will always be my boo

[Alicia Keys]
I was in love with you when we were younger you were mine (my boo)
When I see you from time to time I still feel like (my boo)
You can see it no matter how I try to hide (my boo)
And even though there’s another man who’s in my life
You will always be my boo

Yes, I remember, boy, cause after we kissed
I can only think about you’re lips
Yes, I remember, boy, the moment I knew
You were the one I could spend my life with
Even before all the fame and people screamin your name
I was there and you were my baby

It started when we were younger you were mine (my boo)
Now another brother's taken over but it’s still in you’re eyes (my boo)
Even though we use to argue it’s all right (my boo)
I know we haven’t seen each other in a while
But you will always be my boo

[Alicia Keys]
I was in love with you when we were younger you were mine (my boo)
When I see you from time to time I still feel like (my boo)
You can see it no matter how I try to hide (my boo)
And even though there’s another man who’s in my life
(What we have is in each other)
You will always be my... boo

My oh my oh my oh my oh my my boo...

[Usher and Alicia Keys]
My oh my oh... my oh my oh my boo...

It started when we were younger you were mine (my boo)
Now another brother's taken over but it’s still in you’re eyes (my boo)
Even though we use to argue it’s all right (my boo)
I know we haven’t seen each other in a while
But you will always be my boo
(Uh uh)

I don’t know about y’all but I know about us and uh
It’s the only way we know how to rock
I don’t know about y’all but I know about us and uh
It's the only way we know how to rock

Vzdy tu bude niekto,
kto si zisa tvoje srdce.
Nikdy nevies,kedy to pride,
pretoze od zaciatku ostanes
Vedz,ze ty si ten niekto
pre mna.
Kazdemu je hned jasne,
ze ty budes vzdy moja

Neviem,ako je to u vas,
ale viem ako je to u nas.
Existuje len tato moznost
Viem,ako to rozhybat...

Pamatas si,dievca,
ze ja som ti dal prvy
Pretoze ja si pamatam,
ze ja som ti ukazal,ako
sa bozkava.
davno predtym,ako si
sa stala slavnou
a ludia zacali kricat tvoje
Ked si boal mijim zlatkom,
bol som vzdy pri

Zacalo to,ked sme boli mladi.
Bola si moja,moja drahucka.

Terza mi ta prebera
niekto iny.
Ale stale to vidim v tvoji ociach
Aj ked sme sa hadali,je
to v poriadku.
Viem,ze sme sa isty cas
ale stale budes moja drahucka...

Ked sme boli mladi,bola
som zaubena...
Bo si moj drahucky.
Z casu na cas to tak
stale citim,ze si moj drahucky.
A tiez vidim,ze nezalezi
na tom,
ako velmi sa to snazim
Aj ked do mojho zivota
prisiel iny muz
Vzdy budes moj drahucky...
Ano,pamatam si to
lebo ked sme sa prestali bozkavat
myslela som len na tvoje pery
Ano,pamatam si
Ten moment,ked som uz
vedela,ze ty si ten pravy,
s ktorym staravim svoj
Davno predtym ako si sa stal
a ludia zacali kricat
tvoje meno.Bola som pri tebe a ty si bol
moje zlato....

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