Pondělí, 10. března 2025, svátek má Viktorie

Yeah Usher - David Usher

DDavid Usher - Here I Stand - Yeah Usher

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[ Usher: ]
Peace up!
A Town Down!

[ Lil' Jon: ]
Yeah, Ok! Lil' Jon!

Usher Usher Usher

[ Usher: ]
Yeah, Yeah Yeah, Yeah yeah, Yeaah
Yeah, Yeah yeah, Yeah yeah, Yeaah

[ Usher (Verse 1): ]
I'm in the club with my homies, tryna get a
lil V-I, keep it down on the low key, cause
you know how it feels.
I said shorty she was checkin up on me, from
the game she was spittin my ear you would
think that she knew me.
So we decided to chill

Conversation got heavy, she had me feelin like she's ready to blow!
(Watch Out!, Watch Out!)
She saying come get me, come get me,
So I got up and followed her to the floor, she said baby lets go,
When I told her I said

[ Usher (Chorus): ]
Yeah (yeah) Shorty got down and said come and get me
Yeah (yeah) I got so caught up I forgot she told me
Yeah (yeah) Her and my girl used to be the best of homies
Yeah (yeah) Next thing I knew she was all up on me screaming:

Yeah, Yeah yeah, Yeah yeah, Yeaah
Yeah, Yeah yeah, Yeah yeah, Yeaah

[ Usher (Verse 2): ]
Shes all up in my head now, got me thinking that it
might good idea to take her with me,
Cause she's ready to leave.
Now I gotta keep it real now, cause on a
one-to-ten she's a certified twenty, and
that just aint me.

Cause I don't know if I take that chance
just where is it gonna lead,
But what I do know is the way she dance
makes shorty alright with me.
The way she getting low!
I'm like yeah, just work that out for me.
She asked for one more dance and I'm
Like yeah, how the hell am I supposed to leave?
And I said

[ Chorus ]

[ Lil' Jon: ]

[ Ludacris (Verse 3): ]
Watch out!
My outfit's ridiculous, In the club lookin' so conspicuous.
And Rowl! These women all on the prowl, if you hold
the head steady I'm a milk the cow.
Forget about the game I'm a spit the
truth, I won't stop till I get em in they
birthday suits.
So gimmie the rhythm and it'll be off with
they clothes, then bend over to the front
and touch your toes.
I left the jag and I took the roles, if they aint
cutting then I put em on foot patrol.
How you like me now, when my pinky's valued
over three hundred thousand,
Lets drank you the one to please,
Ludacris fill cups like double d's.
Me and Ush once more and we leave em dead,
we want a lady in the street but a freak
in the bed to say

[ Chorus ]

[ Ludacris (Bridge): ]
Take that and rewind it back, Lil' Jon got
the beat make ya booty go (clap)
Take that and rewind it back, Ursher got the
voice make ya booty go (clap)
Take that and rewind it back, Ludacris got
the flow make ya booty go (clap)
Take that and rewind it back, Lil' Jon got
the beat make ya booty go (clap)

Som v klube s kamošmi, snažím sa trochu si to užiť, držať sa na uzde. Ty vieš, aké to je.
Jedna maličká po mne išla. Zo zábavy mi cmúľala ucho. Jeden by povedal, že ma dobre pozná.
Tak sme sa rozhodli schladiť.
Konverzácia hustla, cítil som, akoby mala vybuchnúť! (Pozor! Pozor!)
Povedala: „Vezmi si ma, vezmi si ma!“
Tak som vstal a išiel za ňou na parket.
Povedala: „Zlato, poďme na to!“

Ja som je povedal:
Hej, hej, maličká, zíď sem a vezmi si ma.
Hej, hej, chytila ma za srdce tak veľmi, že som zabudol, že to povedala skôr.
Hej, hej, ak by moje dievča vedelo, najlepšie by bolo, keby ma držalo.
Hej, hej, ďalšie, čo si pamätám, bolo, ako bola celá na mne a kričala.
Mám jej plnú hlavu. Myslím na to, že by bol dobrý nápad, keby som ju vzal so sebou.
Pretože sa chystá odísť.

Musím sa držať pri zemi. Už je skoro desať a jej bolo práve dvadsať. A to proste nie som ja.
Dobre viem, kam by to viedlo, keby som tú šancu využil.
Tiež však viem, že sa mi páči spôsob, akým tá maličká tancuje.
To, ako pomaly kĺže nižšie!
A ja: „Hej, to je niečo pre mňa!“
Požiadala ešte o jeden tanec.
A ja: „Hej, ako mám, do pekla, teraz odísť!“
A povedal som:


Môj odev mi pripadá smiešny v tomto nápadnom klube.
Všetky ženy doslova číhajú, či mám hlavu pevne na ramenách. Som ako krava, čo dáva mlieko.
Zabudni na hru, hovorím pravdu. Nezastavím sa, pokiaľ ich nedostanem aj v narodeninovom oblečku.
Tak daj mi rytmus a hneď budem preč aj s ich šatami. Prehnem ťa dopredu až sa dotknem prstov na nohe.
Nechal som jaguára a zobral rollsa, ak nerežú zatáčky, nechám ich hliadke.
Ako sa ti teraz páčim, keď mám na malíčku cez tristo tisíc.
Tak si dajme ešte panáka, Ludacris nalieva dvojité,
Spolu s Ushom ešte raz a necháme ich mŕtvych, chceme dámy na ulici, len blázon ich chce v posteli.

Vezmi to a vráť späť, Lil’ Jon má rytmus, čo rozhýbe tvoje botky.
Vezmi to a vráť späť, Usher má hlas, čo rozhýbe tvoje botky.
Vezmi to a vráť späť, Ludacris má ťah, čo rozhýbe tvoje botky.
Vezmi to a vráť späť, Lil’ Jon má rytmus, čo rozhýbe tvoje botky

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