Doing everything that I believe in
Going by the rules that I´ve been taught
More understanding of what´s around me
And protected from the walls of love
All that you see is me
And all I truly believe
That I was born to try
I´ve learned to love
Be understanding
And believe in life
But you´ve got to make choices
Be wrong or right
Sometimes you´ve got to sacrifice the things you like
But I was born to try
No point in talking what you should have been
And regretting the things that went on
Life´s full of mistakes, destinies and fate
Remove the clouds look at the bigger picture
And all that you see is me
And all I truly believe
That I was born to try
I´ve learned to love
Be understanding
And believe in life
But you´ve got to make choices
Be wrong or right
Sometimes you´ve got to sacrifice the things you like
But I was born to try
All that you see is me
All I truly believe
All that you see is me
And all I truly believe
That I was born to try
I´ve learned to love
Be understanding
And believe in life
But you´ve got to make choices
Be wrong or right
Sometimes you´ve got to sacrifice the things you like
But I was born to try
But you´ve got to make choices
Be wrong or right
Sometimes you´ve got to sacrifice the things you like
But I was born to try
Robím všetko v čo verím,
Riadim sa pravidlami, ktoré som sa naučila,
viac romzumieť veciam navôkol,
a byť chránená pred múrmi lásky
Všetko, čo vidíš, som ja
A tomu všetkému skutočne verím
R: Že som sa narodila, aby som skúšala,
Učila som sa milovať,
Byť chápajúcou,
A veriť v život,
Ale musíš si vybrať,
či byť zlým alebo správnym,
Niekedy musíš obetovať veci, ktoré máš rád
Ale narodila som sa, aby som skúšala
Nemá význam rozprávať, čím si mal byť
A ľutovanie vecí, ktoré sa už stali,
Život je plný chýb, osudov a smrti,
Odstráň tie mraky, pozri na väčší obraz