One day we will walk hand-and-hand
Every boy and girl from every land
From the mountains
To the beach.
And that day, that day is almost in our reach.
Don't wear the pants if they are skinny.
Stop SPS.
Change the way you dress,
cause tight is no longer in me.
When you hear fashion calling in,
Think about those who've fallen.
And join our big pants family.
SPS, "Skinny Pants Syndrome,"
has given me a chance to make a difference in this world.
Join our fight, and together, we can conquer "Skinny Pants Syndrome."
And that day,
that day is almost in our reach.
Don't wear the pants (Don't wear the pants)
if they are skinny. (Oh, they're so skinny! )
Stop SPS.
Change the way you dress, (Owww! )
cause tight is no longer in. (You know they not in there! )
It's time to stop the pain.
Let your blood circulate. (Ooooh)
The pants slide on so (Slide on so) easily.
Don't wear the pants (don't wear the pants)
if they are skinny (If they are skinny)
Stop SPS.
Change the way you dress,
cause tight is no longer in me (No longer in)
It's time to stop the pain.
Let your blood circulate (Let your blood circulate)
The pants slide on so... easily.
Přijde ten den ten krásný den.
Kluci,holky vyjdou z domů ven.
Do strmých hor.
Do údolí.
Onen den ten den.
Už se rychle blíží.
A místo džín co uzký moc jsou.
Změň ten styl vždyť úzký vůbec nejsou dnes in.
Když tě moda k sobě volá...........
nedělej ze sebe vola....
Obleč si svý volný kalhoty.
SUD-Sindrom úzkých džín mi otevřel oči
už dobře vím co je v životě důležité
přidej se k nám všichni společně sindrom úzkých
džín určitě porazíme!!!!!!
mohl by to za mně někdo dopsat díky!!!!!!!!!!