Something Terrible
Interpret: 100 Demons
I've found tricks.
That I use when I know that I've been beat.
I climb so fucking deep inside of me.
I've said it once and I'll scream it again.
Sometimes hatred is my only friend.
Something terrible has crossed my mind.
Fucking miserable all the time.
Something terrible, it's in my head.
It's's killing me.
I was born with this fault they call rage.
I never asked for this pain, it just came.
All the times that I hurt my family and myself and my loves.
Something terrible has crossed my mind.
Fucking miserable all the time.
Something terrible, it's in my head.
It's's killing me.
I was born with this fault they call rage.
I never asked for this pain, it just came.
All the times that I hurt my family and myself and my loves.
Já jsem našel spády
že já užívám kdy vím , že já jsem byl bušený
já lezu na tak posraný hluboký v mì
øekl jsem ten jednou a já budu køièet to znovu
nìkdy nenávist je mùj jediný pøítel
nìco hrozná zkøížená má mysl
posraný mizerný stále
nìco hrozný, to je v mé hlavì
to je's zabití mì
narodil se jsem s touto chybou oni volají vztek
já nikdy jsem žádal o tuto bolest, to jen pøišlo
stále že já zranìní má rodina a já sám a mùj miluji
nìco hroznou zkøíženou mou mysl
posranou mizerný stále
nìco hrozný, to je v mé hlavì
to je's zabití mì
narodil se jsem s touto chybou oni volají vztek
já nikdy jsem žádal o tuto bolest, to jen pøišlo
stále že já zranìní má rodina a já sám a mùj miluji
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