Time Bomb
Interpret: 100 Demons
Don't even tell me because I already know.
This fucking beast inside always ready to make a show.
Never can I leave it behind, a definite part of me.
It has controlled my life, it is destroying me.
I don't need the drugs, because the rage, it gets me high.
I didn't say I won't do them though, that would be a lie.
Crashing inside my head the red it clouds my eyes.
I always ruin what I value the most.
Existing in hell, this is all that I know.
Where the comfort lies YOU MADE ME!!!
You can't help me.
God help you.
You can't help me.
God help!
Dokonce ne- neøíkejte mi protože já již vím
tuto posranou bestii uvnitø vždy obratný udìlat pøehlídku
nikdy mohu nechat to za, koneèná èást mne
to ovládal mùj život, to znièí mì
já nepotøebuje drogy, protože vztek,to dej mi vysoký
já ne- jsem neøíkal , že já nebudu dìlat je aèkoli, to by bylo lež
naprostý uvnitø mého pøedstavený èerveného to zahalí mé oèi
já vždy znièím co já hodnotím nejvíce
existující v pekle, to je všechno co já znám
kde komfort leží VY JSTE DÌLALI MÌ!!!
Nemùžeš pomoci mi
bùh pomoci vám
nemùžeš pomoci mi
bùh pomoc!
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