Destroy all or nothing - - I dreamed I died, ended up at the gates of Heaven - Greeted by a man Saint someone, said how's the
ride son? - It's been alright, at times a little rough, why am I here? - You did alright, lived a little dark and that's alright
- 'Cause we made the darkside and the rightside is to have no fear, no fear - - My whole life flashed in front of me - I saw
everything that I was and what I had done - Even let me look back on some good times for a little fun - Yes, a little fun - And
then I heard damn boy you done good - Did the every little thing that you could - And then I heard damn boy you done good - Damn
good - - When you hear the call, bury them all - Destroy all or nothing - When I hear the call, I will bury them all - I will
destroy all or nothing - When the sky opened up and the clouds parted clear - There wasn't any doubt to why I was here - And I
knew I'd done a good job, the best job that I could do - So now it was time to move on, to get on, to get back - To the question
of why I was here and what I had learned, no fear - My whole life flashed in front of me - I saw everything that I was and what I
had done - Even let me look back on some good times for a little fun - Yes, a little fun - And then I heard damn boy you done
good - Did every little thing that you could - And then I heard damn boy you done good - Damn good - When you hear the call, bury
them all - Destroy all or nothing - When I hear the call, I will bury them all - I will destroy all or nothing - - My whole life
flashed in front of my eyes - Goddamn, wake up, bad dream, bad dream - When you hear the call, bury them all - Destroy all or
nothing - When I hear the call, I will bury them all - I will destroy all or nothing
Unlucky 13
Autor: DevilDriver
Album: Head on to Heartache
Just Run
Autor: DevilDriver
Album: The Fury Of Our Maker's...