Pondělí, 10. března 2025, svátek má Viktorie

The Asylum - Edguy

EEdguy - Rocket Ride - The Asylum

Ohodnoť toto video:

Crying in the still of the night
A yearning for shelter
Silence kissing your wounds,
soothing your pain
Darkness, and what do they know
Bout losing direction, clutch at a straw
Cherish the hope to make it finally home
Home, home, home, home

You long to be seen through, so nobody can tell
Whenever they made you bleed your pride away

Now you're driven by a one track mind, initiating you
Splendid flowers, blossom from the wounds
The strong the poison, the sweeter smells the bloom
Don't you try to stand your ground
'Cause you're only coming home

To the heart of fire
You're home, found the asylum
In a world where the broken dance, on shards of glass
I see fire, ruins and fire, and fire
In world where the broken dance, with shattered dreams

It's burning inside you, this emotional hell
And you keep on smiling, upon the icy tiles
A stream of fire, to sweep the fears away
Seems like forever, too long you've had to wait
plunge in darkness, for wicked harmony
Little angel thrown away, sure'll be back another day

To the heart of fire
You're home, found the asylum
In a world with a broken dance, on shards of glass
I see fire, ruins and fire, and fire
In world with a broken dance, with shattered dreams

Now see the cornered children, I see them off the beaten track
Embracing and crying
Freezing and dying
Concealed humiliation, now let them dance
Libertation cruelty free, dance towards the gallows-tree

Bogyman was sought and found
Bogyman has found a home

To the heart of fire, he's found the asylum
In world with a broken dance, on shards of glass

Fire, ruins and fire, and fire
In world with a broken dance, with shattered dreams
Born of fire, you're home, found the asylum
In world with a broken dance, and shards of glass

I've seen fire, ruins and fire, and fire
In world with a broken dance, and shattered dreams

Edguy – The Asylum

Plač v nehybnej noci
Túžba po úkryte
Ticho bozkáva tvoje rany
Tíši tvoju bolesť
Temnota – A to čo vedia
O stratenom smere, chytaní sa slamky
Uchovávaní si nádeje, aby si sa tam nakoniec vrátil

Túžiš cez to vidieť
Takže nikto nemôže povedať
Že prinútili kedykoľvek
Tvoju hrdosť vykrvácať
Teraz si poháňaný jedinou cestou mysle
Zasväcujú ťa – skvostné kvety
Kvetiny z tvojich rán
Čím silnejší jed
Tým sladšie vonia kvet
Nesnaž sa usadiť
Lebo sa len vraciaš domov...

Do srdca ohňa
Si doma – našiel si útočisko
Vo svete kde narušení tancujú
Na úlomkoch skla
Vidím oheň – ruiny a oheň – a oheň
Vo svete kde narušení tancujú
s roztrieštenými snami

Horí v tebe toto emocionálne peklo
A ty sa ďalej usmievaš na ľadové dlaždice
Príval ohňa čo zmetie obavy
Zdá sa naveky
Príliš dlho si čakal
Zasadený v temnote na hriešnu harmóniu

Maličký odhodený anjel
Sa iste vráti v iný deň

Teraz badáš rohaté deti
Vidím ich mimo vyšliapanej cesty
Objímajúce a plačúce
Zamŕzajúce a zmierajúce
Skryté poníženie
Teraz ich nechajme tancovať
Oslobodenie kruto slobodné
Tanec smerom k šibenici

Strašiak bol hľadaný a nájdený
Strašiak našiel domov

V srdci ohňa
Našiel svoje útočisko

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