A bridal wreath,
a lovely wedding dress,
a few wedding guests...
Kill them all
Try to shoot them all
Try to shoot them all.
Your love´s betrayed you
the day of revenge´s commin´ today.
They all must die, ´cause
they´ve discarded you from the game.
You have a helper with a shotgun,
charged and aimed.
The forrest will be a witness
of the bloody terror
on the wedding day,
on the day of wrath.
Your love´s betrayed you...game
Painful cries
When shots are heard
Thy will be done.
Painful cries... heard.
Your revenge is merciless and cruel
Merciless and cruel
and brutal.
A bloodstained bridal veil.
A bloodstained bridal veil.
A bloodstained bridal veil.
A bloodstained bridal veil.
Is a dumb to reproach.
A bloodstained bridal veil.
A bloodstained bridal veil.
A bloodstained bridal veil.
A bloodstained bridal veil.
Now it´s the time
for two killers to die.
Kill him and kill yourself.
Nine crosses will be raised
at this place.
A bloodstained bridal veil.