Čtvrtek, 26. prosince 2024, svátek má Štěpán

Trollvisan - Finntroll

FFinntroll - Ur Jordens Djup - Trollvisan

Ohodnoť toto video:

Trollet satt pĺ sten och ropade; HEJ!
Vem har spillt mitt mjöd ut?
Men inget djur i skogen eller grottans djup
Visste vem som hade vällt ut skogstrollets sup

Trollet satt pĺ sten och ropade; HEJ!
Vem har trampat mina svampar ner?
Men inget djur i skogen eller kära himlens barn
Visste vem som hade stampat hela fältet bart

Trollet satt pĺ sten och ropade; HEJ!
Mjöd och fläsk till de vise!
Inget djur i skogen eller grottetrollets barn.
Som visste att det var enda trollet hade kvar

Och rĺttorna svamlade till trollet;
De kristna har spillt ditt mjöd!
De kristna har trampat dina svampar!
De kristna ha slagit dina bröder!

Sen blev trollet ilsken och steg upp frĺn sin sten
Han gick till kristna landet och brände fula kyrkan ner

(Farce Of The Troll)

The troll was sitting on his stone and shouted; HEY!
Who has spilled my mead?
But no animal in the forest or the deep caves
Knew who had spilled the forest troll's drink

The troll was sitting on his stone and shouted; HEY!
Who has trampled my mushrooms?
But no animal in the forest or children of the sky
Knew who had trampled the whole field

The troll was sitting on his stone and shouted; HEY!
Mead and pork to the wise ones!
No animals in the forest or the cave troll's children
Knew that it was the only thing the troll had left

And the rats told the troll;
The Christians have spilled your mead!
The Christians have trampled your mushrooms!
The Christians have beaten your brothers!

Then the troll got mad and left his stone
He went to the Christian land and burned the ugly church down

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