Keep me around, waiting behind glass
In case you need, I'll be your piece of ass
Pretend to want me, string me along
Break glass if needed, you can make me crawl
'Cause you make me feel like a dog
You cant see my emotion
Is this for real?
I'm a man sinking deep
I was strung out for such a long, long time
Now i own myself, yes I am mine
No longer will I be your just in case
No longer your shit do I need to taste
'Cause you make me feel like a dog
You cant see my emotion
Is this for real?
Im a man sinking deep in the ocean
I dont wanna be your just in case boy
I dont wanna be your just in case
Oh no
Nech me u sebe, cekat za sklem
V pripade potreby, budu tvuj kousek zadku
Predstiras ze me chces, vodis me okolo
Rozbij to sklo, pokud chces dokazes me donutit se plazit
Protoze diky tobe se citim jako pes
Nemuzes videt me emoce
Je to pravda?
Jsem jen chlap co se potapi hluboko
Byl jsem nervozni po dlouhou, dlouhou dobu
Ted mam sebe, ano jsem svuj
Uz nebudu tvuj jen pro pripad
Uz dal nebudu muset zkouset tve sracky
Protoze diky tobe se citim jako pes
Nemuzes videt me emoce
Je to pravda?
Jsem jen chlap co se potapi hluboko v oceanu
Nechci byt tvym klukem jen pro pripad
Nechci byt tvym jen pro pripad
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