Static tone on the phone,
I'll be breaking again
Must be something better, babe
All the names that you called out in bed seem to fade
To sometime, never blind
I won't cry for all the hunger in my heart, no
I won't cry because I've made it through this far
Just cos you're raising the bet and call the shots now on me, oooh
It really doesn't phase me how you spend your time, oooh-oooh
Just cos you're raising the bet and call the shots now on me, oooh
It really doesn't phase me how you spend your time, oooh-oooh
Out of the fire that burns inside me
A phoenix is rising
If you don't feel that you can love me
I won't shoot you down
I won't cry for all the hunger in my heart, no
I won't cry because I've stumbled through this far
Just cos you're raising the bet and call the shots now on me, oooh
It really doesn't phase me how you spend your time, oooh-oooh
Just cos you're raising the bet and call the shots now on me, oooh
It really doesn't phase me how you spend your time, oooh-oooh
I've seen light burn bright,
I've seen it shimmer
(I've seen it shimmer)
And I fade like starlight to a glimmer
(To a glimmer)
Oh no, I've seen light flow by, like a river
(Like a river)
So full of twilight, dreams that glitter...
(Dreams that glitter)
Just cos you're raising the bet and call the shots now on me, oooh
It really doesn't phase me how you spend your time, oooh-oooh
Just cos you're raising the bet and call the shots now on me, oooh
It really doesn't phase me how you spend your time, oooh-oooh
Just cos you're raising the bet and call the shots now on me, oooh
It really doesn't phase me how you spend your time, oooh-oooh
Just cos you're raising the bet and call the shots now on me, oooh
It really doesn't phase me how you spend your time, oooh-oooh
Statický ton na telefone znova zvoní
musí byť aj niečo lepšie zlatko
a všetky mená čo si volal mimo postele sa zdajú strácajúce sa
niekedy neplánované
Už nebudem plakať pre hlad v mojom srdci,nie
Nebudem plakať pre to že to nedotiahnem daleko
Nebudeš nič riskovať a šéfovať mi teraz
Netrápi ma ako tráviš svoj čas
Nebudeš nič riskovať a šéfovať mi teraz
Netrápi ma ako tráviš svoj čas
Oheň horí v mojom vnútri
a ideál riskuje
nechceš cítiť ako ma milovať?
nechcem to vyklopiť to dolu
Už nebudem plakať pre hlad v mojom srdci,nie
Nebudem plakať pre to že to nedotiahnem daleko
Nebudeš nič riskovať a šéfovať mi teraz
Netrápi ma ako tráviš svoj čas
Nebudeš nič riskovať a šéfovať mi teraz
Netrápi ma ako tráviš svoj čas
Vidím ako život horí veselý
Oni sa strácajú ako hviezdy
A život tečie ako rieka
A celé stmievanie ja ako trblietanie hviezd.
Nebudeš nič riskovať a šéfovať mi teraz
Netrápi ma ako tráviš svoj čas
Nebudeš nič riskovať a šéfovať mi teraz
Netrápi ma ako tráviš svoj čas