Pondělí, 10. března 2025, svátek má Viktorie

Close To Love - Girls Aloud

GGirls Aloud - Tangled Up - Close To Love

Ohodnoť toto video:

Got so close to love
I can almost taste the kill
Barely close enough
But I could not make the deal

Got so close to love
I can almost taste the kill
Barely close enough
But I just can't close the deal

I was no one till I started to drift
Baby I didn't care, till I saw you there
And your manner made my animal kick
But I just didn't dare, call me crazy yeah

Everything I ever had to lose
Is standing in the way of me and you
Panic builds its walls in front of me
And nothing but my heart can set me free

Man get up
We're gonna start this fire
Tangled up
'cause I know I should
Can't get up
Watch the flames go higher
Tangled up
We're gonna need more wood

Man get up
We're gonna start this fire
Tangled up
'cause I know I should
Can't get up
Watch the flames go higher
Tangled up
We're gonna need more wood

Got so close to love
I can almost taste the kill
Barely close enough
But I could not make the deal

Got so close to love
I can almost taste the kill
Barely close enough
But I just can't close the deal

Got so close to love
I can almost taste the kill
Barely close enough
But I could not make the deal

Got so close to love
I can almost taste the kill
Barely close enough
But I just can't close the deal

I'll confess I'm in a real big mess
With the guy I love but I can't say yes
Now my only bet is take a plane ride west
‘cause I can't regret what I ain't done yet

I'll confess I'm in a real big mess
With the guy I love but I can't say yes
Now my only bet is take a plane ride west
‘cause I can't regret what I ain't done yet

Man get up
We're gonna start this fire
Tangled up
'cause I know I should
Can't get up
Watch the flames go higher
Tangled up
We're gonna need more wood

Man get up
We're gonna start this fire
Tangled up
'cause I know I should
Can't get up
Watch the flames go higher
Tangled up
We're gonna need more wood

Got so close to love
I can almost taste the kill
Barely close enough
But I could not make the deal

Got so close to love
I can almost taste the kill
Barely close enough
But I just can't close the deal

Guy with the beautiful stare, hands off
Guy with the terrible hair, back off
Dude with the look in your eyes, leave it
Man with the beautiful ride, feel it

Guy with the beautiful stare, hands off
Guy with the terrible hair, back off
Dude with the look in your eyes, leave it
Man with the beautiful ride, feel it

Kovbojská pieseň :)

Prach x4

Dostala som sa blízko k láske
Možem sa stať korisťou
Sotva dostatočne blízko
Ale nemôžem urobiť dohodu

Bola som snehovo biela kým som nezačala posúvať
Baby nestarala som sa kým som ťa tu nezbadala
A a ten tvoj spôsob urobil môj zvierací kop
Ale netrúfla som si,
volaj ma bláznom yeh

Všetko čo som doteraz musela prehrať
teraz stojí v našej ceste
panika postavila túto stenu oproti mne
nič okrem môjho srdca ma neoslobodí

Muži vstávajú
Začneme túto paľbu
Pretože ja viem že by som mala
Nemôžem vsať
Pozerám ako plamene stúpajú
pretože budeme potrebovať viac dreva

Dostala som sa blízko k láske
Možem sa stať korisťou
Sotva dostatočne blízko
Ale nemôžem urobiť dohodu

Budem musieť priznať že som sa dostala do ozajstnej ťažkosti
s chlapcom ktorého milujem, ale nemôžem mu povedať áno
jediná moja stávka je zobrať lietadlo smerom na západ
pretože nemôžem oľutovať čo som ešte neurobila

Refrén + bridge

Muž s chemickým pohľadom, ruky preč!
Muž s hrozným účesom, otočiť sa chrbtom!
Frajer, korý sa ti díva priamo do oči, nehaj tak!
Chlapec so super jazdou, poraz ho!

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