Pondělí, 10. března 2025, svátek má Viktorie

Girls Aloud - Walk This Way (vs. Sugababes) - Girls Aloud

GGirls Aloud - Sound of Girls Aloud-The Greatest Hits - Girls Aloud - Walk This Way (vs. Sugababes)

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Like this

Walk this way, you wanna talk this way
Walk this way, you wanna talk this way
Walk this way, you wanna talk this way

Backstroke lover hiding under cover
Still I talked to your daddy he say
He said you ain't seen nothing
Till you're down on a muffin
And I'm sure I can change your ways

Met a man cheerleader, was a real dumb pleaser
All the times I could reminisce
Cause the best thing loving
Was a brother and a cousin
And it started with a little kiss, like this

Walk this way, talk this way
Walk this way, talk this way
Walk this way, talk this way
Walk this way, talk this way

Like this, like this
Like this, like this
Like this

School girl Heidi with the classy kinda sassy
Little skirt climbing way up her knees
Three young ladies in the school gym locker
I noticed they were looking at me

I was a high school loser
Never made it with a fella
Till my girls told me something I missed
Then my next door neighbour
With a son had a favour
So I gave him just a little kiss, like this!

Walk this way, you wanna talk this way
Walk this way, you wanna talk this way

Walk this way, talk this way
Walk this way, talk this way
Walk this way, talk this way
Walk this way, talk this way
Just give me a kiss, like this
Like this

See-saw swinging with the boys in the school
And her feet flying up in the air
Singing hey diddle-diddle with the kitty in the middle
You'll be swinging like you just didn't care

So I took a big chance at the high school dance
With the boy who was ready to play
Was it me he was fooling
Cause he knew what he was doing
When he told me how to walk this way

Walk this way, you wanna talk this way
Walk this way, you wanna talk this way

Walk this way, talk this way
Walk this way, talk this way
Walk this way, talk this way
Walk this way, talk this way
Walk this way, talk this way
Walk this way, talk this way
Walk this way, talk this way
Walk this way, talk this way

Walk this way, you wanna talk this way
Walk this way, you wanna talk this way
Walk this way, you wanna talk this way
Walk this way, you wanna talk this way


Tak, Tak, Tak, Taj, Tak , Takto

(Amelle)Choď touto cestou
(Cheryl)Kde sa chceš zabávať totuo cestou
(Amelle)Choď touto cestou
(Cheryl)Kde sa chceš zabávať totuo cestou
(Amelle)Choď touto cestou
(Cheryl)Kde sa chceš zabávať totuo cestou
(Amelle)Choď touto cestou
(Cheryl)Kde sa chceš zabávať totuo cestou

(Kimberley)Znak milenca, skrytý v utajení
stále som sa s tebou rozprávala až kým tvôj otec nepovedal:
(Nadine) Vy zatiaľ nič neviete, dokiaľ ste malé decká, som si istý,
že zmením vaše chodníčky
(Kimberley)Potom som stretla naozaj blbého roztlieskvača,
na celý ten čas si spomínam-
(Nadine) - keď najlepšia vec bola jeho brat a bratranec
a začalo sa to pusou ako táto

(GIRLS ALOUD)Choď touto cestou!
(SUGABABES)Zábvaj sa touto cestou)
(GIRLS ALOUD)Choď touto cestou!
(SUGABABES)Zábvaj sa touto cestou)
(GIRLS ALOUD)Choď touto cestou!
(SUGABABES)Zábvaj sa touto cestou)


(Keischa)Školáčka Heidi, nóblu trochu drzá
so sukňou kolísajúcou nad jej kolená
(Heidi) Tri mladé ladies v školskej telocvični
Postrehla som, že zízali na mňa
(Keischa)Na strednej som bola chudáčka, nikdy nič nemala s chalanom
dievčatá mi povedali, že som niečo zmeškala
(Heidi) Moj vedlajší sused so spolbývajúcim mal milosť
tak som mu dala malú pusu

(Amelle) Ako táto!

(Amelle)Choď touto cestou
(Cheryl)Kde sa chceš zabávať totuo cestou
(Amelle)Choď touto cestou
(Cheryl)Kde sa chceš zabávať totuo cestou

(GIRLS ALOUD)Choď touto cestou!
(SUGABABES)Zábvaj sa touto cestou)
(GIRLS ALOUD)Choď touto cestou!
(SUGABABES)Zábvaj sa touto cestou)
(GIRLS ALOUD)Choď touto cestou!
(SUGABABES)Zábvaj sa touto cestou)

(Nadine) Tak daj mi pusu!
(Sarah) Videla som hojdať sa chalanov v škole
a jej nohy lietali vo vzduchu
(Nicola) Spievali ,,hey flákať sa, flákať´´ s Katuškou v strede
budete sa hojdať a o nič iné nestarať
(Amelle) Tak som vzala veľku šancu, na stredoškolskej tancovačke
s chalanom, ktorý bol pripravený sa hrať
Bola som to ja on sa bláznil
Vedel však čo ma robiť, keď mi povedal ako to tu chodí

(Amelle)Choď touto cestou
(Cheryl)Kde sa chceš zabávať totuo cestou
(Amelle)Choď touto cestou
(Cheryl)Kde sa chceš zabávať totuo cestou
(Amelle)Choď touto cestou

(GIRLS ALOUD)Choď touto cestou!
(SUGABABES)Zábvaj sa touto cestou!
(GIRLS ALOUD)Choď touto cestou!
(SUGABABES)Zábvaj sa touto cestou!
(GIRLS ALOUD)Choď touto cestou!
(SUGABABES)Zábvaj sa touto cestou!

(Amelle)Choď touto cestou
(Cheryl)Kde sa chceš zabávať totuo cestou
(Amelle)Choď touto cestou
(Cheryl)Kde sa chceš zabávať totuo cestou
(Amelle)Choď touto cestou
(Cheryl)Kde sa chceš zabávať totuo cestou
(Amelle)Choď touto cestou
(Cheryl)Kde sa chceš zabávať totuo cestou

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