Pátek, 07. února 2025, svátek má Veronika

Say Anything - Good Charlotte

GGood Charlotte - The Young and the Hopeless - Say Anything

Ohodnoť toto video:

Here I am on
The phone again, and
Awkward silence is
On the other end
I used to know the sound
Of a smile in your voice
But right now (right now)
All I feel (All I feel)
Is the pain of the fighting
Starting up again
All the things we talk about
You know they stay on my mind
On my mind
And all the things we laugh about
They'll bring us through it every time
After time after time

Don't say a word
I know you feel the same
Just give me a sign
Say anything, say anything
Please don't walk away
I know you wanna stay
Just give me a sign
Say anything, say anything

Some say that
Time changes
Best friends can
Become strangers
But I don't want that
No, not for you
If you just stay with me, we can make it through
Here we are again
The same old argument
And I'm wonderin'
If things'll ever change, yeah
When will you laugh again?
Laugh like you did back when?
We'd make noise til 3 AM and the neighbors would complain

All the things we talk about
You know they stay on my mind
On my mind
And all the things we laugh about
They'll bring us through it every time
After time after time

Don't say a word
I know you feel the same
Just give me a sign
Say anything, say anything
Please don't walk away
I know you wanna stay
Just give me a sign
Say anything, say anything

I'm fallin'
I'm fallin'
I'm fallin' down
I'm fallin'
I'm fallin'
I'm fallin' down

Don't say a word
I know you feel the same
Just give me a sign
Say anything, say anything
Please don't walk away
I know you wanna stay
If you'll just give me a sign
Say anything, say anything

Don't say a word (Please don't leave)
I know you feel the same
Just give me a sign
Say anything, say anything
Please don't walk away (Please don't leave)
I know you wanna stay
Just give me a sign
Say anything, say anything

Som tu zase na telefóne a..
neznesiteľné ticho na druhom konci
Rozpoznal som v tvojom hlase smiech
Ale práve teraz, všetko, čo cítim
je znova začínajúca bolesť z bojovania

Všetky veci, o ktorých hovoríme,
vieš, že na ne stále myslím, stále myslím
Všetky veci, na ktorých sa smejeme,
zakaždým nás cez to dostanú
Po čase, po čase

Nič nehovor, viem, že sa cítiš rovnako
Daj mi len znamenie, Povedz niečo, povedz niečo
Prosím, neodchádzaj, viem, že chceš zostať
Ak mi dáš len znamenie, Povedz niečo, povedz niečo

Niektorí hovoria, že doba sa mení
Z najlepších priateľov sa môžu stať cudzí ľudia
Ale toto nechcem
nie, nie kvôli tebe
Ak zostaneš so mnou, vždy sme sa cez to dostali

Tak a sme tu zase, s tým istým dôvodom
Teraz rozmýšľam, či sa veci ešte niekedy zmenia
Kedy sa budeš znova smiať, tak ako si sa smiala
Naspäť, keď budeme robiť hluk do tretej ráno
A susedia sa budú sťažovať


Padám, padám, padám dolu .. (2x)


Neodchádzaj prosím ... (2x)

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