Pondělí, 10. března 2025, svátek má Viktorie

Out Ta Get Me - Guns n' Roses

GGuns n' Roses - Appetite For Destruction - Out Ta Get Me

Ohodnoť toto video:

Been hidin' out
And layin' low
It's nothin' new ta me
Well you can always find a place to go
If you can keep your sanity
They break down the doors
And they rape my rights but
They won't touch me
They scream and yell
And fight all night
You can't tell me
I lose my head
I close my eyes
They won't touch me
'Cause I got somethin'
I been buildin' up inside
For so fuckin' long


They're out ta get me
They won't catch me
I'm fuckin' innocent
They won't break me

Sometimes it's easy to forget where you're goin'
Sometimes it's harder to leave
And everytime you think you know just what you're doin'
That's when your troubles exceed
They push me in a corner
Just to get me to fight but
They won't touch me
They preach and yell
And fight all night
You can't tell me
I lose my head
I close my eyes
They won't touch me
'Cause I got somethin'
I been buildin' up inside
I'm already gone

They're out ta get me
They won't catch me
'Cause I'm innocent
They won't break me

Some people got a chip on their shoulder
An some would say it was me
But I didn't buy that fifth of whisky
That you gave me
So I'd be quick to disagree


They're out to get me
They won't catch me
'Cause I'm innocent
So you can suck me
Take that one to heart

Byt ukryty
A lahat si k zemi
Nie je nic nove pre mna
Mozes vzdy najst miestno kam ist
Ak mas svoje dusevne zdravie
Oni mi rozbili dvere
A porusily moje prava,ale
Nebudu sa ma dotykat
Kricia a vrestia
A boj je celu noc
Ty nemozes mi povedat
Stracam hlavu
Zatvaram si oci
Nebudu sa ma dotykat
Pretoze mam nieco
Co som staval vnutri
Za tak dlhy skur!eny cas

Chcu ma dostat
Nechytia ma
Som nevinny
Nezlomia ma

Niekedy je lahke zabudnut nato kam som isiel
Niekedy je tazsie opustit(miesto)
A stale myslis nato co si spravil
To je vtedy ked tvoje tazkosti presahuju
Tlacia ma v kute
Snazia sa ma zbit,ale
Nebudu sa ma dotykat
Kazu mi a vrestia
A boj je celu noc
Ty mi nemozes povedat
Stratil som hlavu
Zavrel som oci
Nebudu sa ma dotykat
Pretoze mam nieco
Staval som to vnutri
Takmer som uz odisiel

Niektory ludia dostali čip do ramena
A niektory by povedali,ze to bolo mne
Ale nekupil som 5 whisky
Vy ste dali mne
Ja by som bol pripraveny odporovat

Snazia sa ma dostat
Chcu ma chytit
Som nevinny
Tak ty mi mozes
Zober si to k srdcu

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