How did I get here?
I turned around and there you were
I didn't think twice
Or rationalize
cause somehow I knew
That there was more than just chemistry
I mean I knew you were kinda of in to me
But I figured it's too good to be true
I said pinch me
Where's the catch this time
Can't find a single cloud in the sky
Help me before I get used to this guy
They say that good things take time
But really great things happen
in a blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet somebody like you
were a million to one
I cannot believe it (o woah)
You're one in a million
All this time I was looking for love
Trying to make things work
They weren't good enough till
I thought I'm through
Said I'm done
and stumbled into the arms of the one
You're making me laugh about the silliest stuff
Say that I'm your diamond in the rough
When I'm mad at you
You come with your velvet touch
Can't believe that I'm so lucky
I have never felt so happy
Every time I see that sparkle in your eye
I said pinch me
Where's the catch this time
Can't find a single cloud in the sky
Help me before I get used to this guy
They say that good things take time
But really great things happen
in a blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet somebody like you
were a million to one
I cannot believe it (o woah)
You're one in a million... one in a million
All this time I was looking for love
Trying to make things work
They weren't good enough till
I thought I'm through
Said I'm done
and stumbled into the arms of the one
You're one in a million
Ako som sa sem dostala?
Otočila som sa a tam si stál ty
2-krát som nerozmýšľala
a ani racionálne
lebo nejako som vedela,
že to bolo viac ako chémia
a myslím, že som aj vedela, že si typ pre mňa
a domnievala som sa, že by to mohla byť pravda
Povedala som uštipni ma
kedy mám chytiť čas
nemôžem nájsť voľný oblak na oblohe
Pomôž mi dostať tohoto skúseného týpka
Hovorí sa, že dobré veci zaberú čas
ale fakt super veci spôsobia slzu(žmurknutie) v oku
Myslela som si,že šancí stretnúť niekoho kto sa ti zapáči
je milión z jednej
Nemôžem tomu uveriť(o woah)
Si jeden z milióna
Celý čas som hľadala lásku
Skúšala som s tým niečo robiť
No nebolo to dobré
kým som si myslela že som prepadla
Povedala som si, že som skončila
a potkla som sa do zbraní jedného
Rozosmievaš ma na absolútnych hlúpostiach
Hovoríš mi, že si môj neobrúsený diamant
keď sa na teba hnevám
prichádzaš s nežnými dotykmi
Nemôžem tomu uveriť aká som spokojná,
nikdy som sa necítila taká šťastná
Vždy vidím iskrenie v tvojich očiach
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