Pondělí, 03. března 2025, svátek má Kamil

Let's Dance - Hannah Montana

HHannah Montana - The Best Of Both Worlds concert - Let's Dance

Ohodnoť toto video:

The weekend's almost done
The moon is low in the sky
I feel like goin' out
Before the night passes by
I won't just sit around
When life becomes a drag
I dance
I like the base
Turn it up turn it up turn it up
I like the boom
Turn it up turn it up turn it up
A neat guitar
Turn it up turn it up turn it up
I like that drum when it goes
Let's dance
What the weekend, what the night is all about
Let's dance
Grab your girlfriends
Grab your boyfriends
Sweat it out
Let's dance
Move your whole body
Let’s start the party
To much rock for one girl can make her go crazy
I need someone to dance with me baby
The music's on
Turn it up turn it up turn it up
My favorite song
Turn it up turn it up turn it up
The beat is strong
Turn it up turn it up turn it up
We'll dance
Let's dance
For the weekend
For the night is all around
Let's dance
Grab your girlfriends
Grab your boyfriends
Sweat it out
Let's dance
Move your whole body
Let’s start the party
To much rock for one girl can make her go crazy
I need someone to dance with me baby
When the night says hello
Yeah I get ready to go
Turn it up
Turn it loose
Yeah you've got no excuse
Just take a chance
Get out on the floor
And dance
Let's dance
For the weekend
For the night is all around
Let's dance
Grab your girlfriends
Grab your boyfriends
Sweat it out
Let's dance
Let's dance
For the weekend
For the night is all around
Let's dance
Grab your girlfriends
Grab your boyfriends
Sweat it out
Let's dance
As soon as my album goes number one
Mr.Lenard would like a rolex with 40 diamonds

Víkendový témìø dìlaný
Oddává se snìní je nízký na obloze
Já cítím se jako vycházení
Pøed nocí jde mimo
Já nebudu jen posedávám
Kdy život stane se vleèením
Já tanèím

Já mám rád bas - objevit se to
Já mám rád rozmach - objevit se to
Já potøebuji kytaru - objevit se to
Já mám rád ten buben - kdy oni jdou …

Pojïme tanèit
Co víkend, co noc je všechno o
Pojïme tanèit
Uchopte vaše dívky, uchopte vašeho pøítele

Vytrpìt si svoje
Pojïme tanèit
Pohybujte vaším celým tìlem
Pojïme zaèít spoleènost
Pro moc skály pro jednu dívku mùže udìlat ji zešílet
Já potøebuji nìkoho, kdo tancuje se mnou dítì

Hudba- ovo na - objeví se to
Má oblíbená píseò - objeví se to
A celou noc – my se objevíme to
A my budeme tanèit

Když noc øíká ahoj
Jo, pøipravit jít
Objevte se to, otoèení to upustí
Jo vy máte žádnou omluvu
Jen jdìte naslepo
Odejdìte na podlaze a tanec

Pojïme tanèit
Co víkend, co noc je všechno o
Pojïme tanèit
Uchopte vaše dívky, uchopte vašeho pøítele

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