Here we are now
Everything is about to change
We face tomorrow as we say goodbye to yesterday
A chapter ending but the stories only just begun
A page is turning for everyone
So I'm moving on
Letting go
Holding on to tomorrow
I've always got the memories while I'm finding out who I'm gonna be
We might be apart but I hope you always know
You'll be with me wherever I go
Wherever I go
So excited I can barely even catch my breath
WE have each other to lean on for the road ahead
This happy ending is the start of all our dreams
And I know your heart is with me
So I'm moving on
Letting go
Holding on to tomorrow
I've always got the memories while I'm finding out who I'm gonna be
We might be apart but I hope you always know
You'll be with me wherever I go
Its time to show the world we've got something to say
A song to sing out loud we'll never fade away
I know I'll miss you but we'll meet again someday
We'll never fade away
So I'm moving on
Letting go
Holding on to tomorrow
I've always got the memories while I'm finding out who I'm gonna be
We might be apart but I hope you always know
You'll be with me
So I'm moving on
Letting go
Holding on to tomorrow
I've always got the memories while I'm finding out who I'm gonna be
We might be apart but I hope you always know
You'll be with me wherever I go
Wherever, wherever I go
Sme teraz tu
Vsetko sa meni
Hladime do oci zajtrajsku odkedy sme sa rozlucili so vcerajskom
Kapitola konci ale pribehy este len zacinaju
Strana sa otaca pre kazdeho
Tak idem dalej
Nechavam to tak
Vydrzim do zajtra
Vzdy mam spomienky pokial zistim kym budem
Mozme byt oddelene ale dufam ze vzdy vies
Ze budes so mnou kamkolvek pojdem
Kamkolvek pojdem
Je to tak vzrusujuce,sotva dycham
Mame jedna druhu aby sme sa podporovali pocas cesty
Tento stastny koniec je zaciatkom nasich snov
A viem ze tvoje srdce je so mnou
Je cas ukazat svetu ze mame co povedat
Piesnou ktoru nahlas spievame neupadneme nikdy do zabudnutia
Viem ze mi budes chybat ale raz sa znovu stretneme
Nikdy neupadneme do zabudnutia
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