Why do you run?
Answer me
Who do you follow?
Talk to me
What is that hidden
That I cannot see?
What is the prize
You try to hide from me?
I see you dying
And I listen (echo)
And I listen (echo)
Listen to the flies (echo)
Listen to the flies (echo)
Who is the idol
You obey?
Give me a reason
Why you're scared of me?
Have you ever been punished?
Or never had pride?
I see you circle
Round and round the shite
I see you dying
I see you dying
And I listen
Listen to the flies
And I listen
Listen to the flies
And I listen
Listen to the flies
And I listen
Listen to the flies
Why do you run?
Answer me
Who do you follow?
Talk to me
What is that hidden?
That I cannot see?
What is the prize
You try to hide from me?
I see you dying
I see you dying
And I listen
Listen to the flies
And I listen
Listen to the flies
And I listen
Listen to the flies
And I listen
Listen to the flies
And I listen
Listen to the flies
And i listen
Listen to the flies
Proč běžíš?
Odpověz mi
Koho sleduješ?
Mluv ke mně
Co je skryto,
Že to nemůžu vidět?
Za jakou cenu
Se zkoušíš přede mnou skrýt?
Vidím tě umírat…
…a poslouchám
…a poslouchám
Poslouchám mouchy
Poslouchám mouchy
Kdo je ten idol,
Kterého posloucháš?
Dej mi důvod
Proč se mě bojíš?
Byl jsi už někdy potrestán?
Nebo's nikdy neměl hrdost?
Vidím tě obíhat
Kolem dokola toho kripla
…vidím tě umírat
…vidím tě umírat
A poslouchám mouchy
A poslouchám mouchy
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