Love's light blue led me to you
Through the emptiness that had become my home
Love's lies cruel introduced me to you
And that moment i knew i was out of hope
Kill me, i begged and love said no
Leave me for dead and let me go
Kill me, i cried and love said no
Kill me, i cried and love said no
Love's icy tomb dug open for you
Lies in cemetery that bears my name
Love's violent tune from me to you
Rips your heart out and leaves you bleeding
With a smile on your face
Kill me, i begged and love said no
Leave me for dead and let me go
Kill me, i cried and love said no
Kill me, i cried and love said no
Love's light blue took me from you
And that moment i knew i was out of hope...again
Kill me, i begged and love said no
Leave me for dead and let me go
Kill me, i cried and love said no
Kill me, i cried and love said no
Love said no
And love said no
Modre svetlo lasky ma viedlo k tebe
Cez prazdnotu, ktorou sa stal moj domov
Laska je krute klamstvo, ktore sa mi predstavilo
A v tu chvilu som stratil nadej
Zabi ma - prosil som a laska povedala nie
Nechaj ma smrti a nechaj ma ist
Zabi ma, plakal som a laska povedala nie
Zabi ma, plakal som a laska povedala nie
Laska je ladova krypta vykopana pre teba
Lezi na cintorine, ktory nosi tvoje meno
Laska je nasilna piesen odomna tebe
Trha tvoje srdce a nechava krvacat
S usmevom na tvari
Zabi ma - prosil som a laska povedala nie
Nechaj ma smrti a nechaj ma ist
Zabi ma, plakal som a laska povedala nie
Zabi ma, plakal som a laska povedala nie
Modre svetlo lasky ma viedlo k tebe
A v tu chvilu som vedel ze som bez nadeje ... znova
Zabi ma - prosil som a laska povedala nie
Nechaj ma smrti a nechaj ma ist
Zabi ma, plakal som a laska povedala nie
Zabi ma, plakal som a laska povedala nie
Laska povedala nie
A laska povedala nie