Pondělí, 10. března 2025, svátek má Viktorie

The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions - In Fear And Faith

IIn Fear And Faith - Your World on Fire - The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions

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Here we are, In the place where you grew up.
Where you spent so much time,
Where you plotted out your life.
These next few lines are a series of events,
About my family and friends,
That kept me further from the edge.

So when the day comes,
That they put me into the ground.
All the ones who claimed they loved me will gather around.
They'll throw flowers down,
And tears will come running down their face.
As they say goodbye and say that I've gone to a better place.

This Is where your vision starts,
Where your visions starts to blur.
Have you ever thought of giving up on what you love the most?
Did you forget, about the ones that you would hurt?
Just a few more seconds then the pain will be gone.

Just hold on, Go ahead let go.
It's not your time, Your time is up.
There is so much more, You should end it here.
You've got your whole life In front of you.
You've got nothing to live for, There's a reason to live.
So pick up that knife, You just can't give up.
Put it through your chest.
Please end it, Please end it all.

It's on the tips of our tongues.
Help me, Hear, Leave me, forgive me.
If I fall, I'll be the one left to lie alone In this mess.
And I know, That If you end your life.
I will be joining you shortly.

You say you need a greater purpose.
I say you need to see what's coming.
When you know, That the feeling is gone.
You'll see this through my eyes and feel alive again.
The road to hell Is paved with good intentions.
The road to hell Is paved with good intentions.

Tu sme, na mieste kde si vyrastal,
kde si stravil tak vela casu.
kde si si naplanoval zivot.
Dalsich par riadkov je seria udalosti
o mojej rodine a priateloch
ktori ma udrzia dalej od upadku.

Az ten den nastane,
Vlozia ma do zeme.
Vsetci co tvrdili,
ze ma miluju sa zhromazdia okolo.
Hodia dole kvety,
A slzy im budu stekat po tvari.
Az budu hovorit 'zbohom' a povedia,
ze som odisiel na lepsie miesto.

Tu sa tvoje vizie zacinaju,
Tu sa tvoje vizie zacinaju rozmazavat.
Premyslal si niekedy,
ze sa vzdas toho co najviac milujes ?
Zabudol si na tych ktorych si zranil ?
Uz len par minut a tvoja bolest pominie.

Vydrz - Chod .
Nieje to tvoj cas - tvoj cas vyprsal.
je tu toho este vela - mal by si to tu ukoncit.
Mas cely zivot pred sebou.
nemas preco zit - Je tu dovod pre ktory zit.
tak vezmi noz - nemozes to vzdat.
Prerez si hrud.
Prosim ukonci to, prosim ukonci to cele.

Mame to na spicke jazyka.
Pomoz mi, Vypocuj ma, Opusti ma, Odpust mi.
Ak padnem, budem jediny
kto ostane lezat v tomto chaose.
A viem, ze ak ukoncis svoj zivot,
Zakratko sa k tebe pridam.

Povedal si, ze potrebujes lepsi dovod.
Ja ti hovorim, ze potrebujes vidiet co pride.
Ked vies, ze pocit je prec.
Uvidis to mojimi ocami a budes sa citit zase zivy.
Cesta do pekla je vydlazdena dobrymi umyslami.
Cesta do pekla je vydlazdena dobrymi umyslami.

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