Pátek, 07. února 2025, svátek má Veronika

Your World On Fire - In Fear And Faith

IIn Fear And Faith - Your World on Fire - Your World On Fire

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I need to see you step away from the edge,
I've seen this coming and you're better off alone.
Well It's safe to say,
That you were the one without a plan.
And you've missed the point,
You put the blood on my hands.

Why aren't you trying to escape?
From the fire that I have made?
I won't be the one that kills you,
Now you will find your murderer is.

You build the walls that kept you alone,
I tore them down, just to watch you rebuild.
You built this house to hide from everything you fear,
I merely showed you how to tear that building down.

Why aren't you trying to escape?
From the fire that I have made?
This time will be a little different,
This time will be the one that pulls you out.
I can hear you scream, far from the way.
And you, Could be... So much more than this.

But your foundation is weak,
And In time these walls must come down.
Why don't you save all the trouble and pull yourself out?
Take some gas and a match and burn It to the ground!
Watch the flames surround,
Watch all your fears fall like ashes all around.
Just don't forget that you're the one who brought it down.
You did this on your own, all I did was show you how.

With your head pounding harder than your heart,
And you feel that you're stuck where you are.
With your lungs filled with smoke,
And you know that you're heading towards the dark.
When it seems like this scene never ends,
Then the least you can do is pretend.
That the life you've been living is leading you out of the dark.

Why aren't you trying to escape?
From the fires that I have made?
Now you can be free from every fear that you had,
That tore you apart.
I can hear you scream, far from the way,
I can say that I've brought you back.
That I've done my deed, so I can finally go to sleep.
Now you can be free from every fear that you had,
So I can finally go to sleep.

Potrebuju videt tvuj krok pryc z okraje.
Mam to videt prichazet a ty jsi radsi uplne sam.
Dobre,je to bezpecne rict..
Ze jsi byl jediny bez planu.
A ztratil jsi pointu.
Dostal si krev na me ruce.

Proc se nesnazis uniknout ?
Z ohne ktery sem ja zalozila ?
Ja nebudu jedina kdo te zabil.
Ted najdes sveho vraha.. je..

Postavil si zdi,ktere te drzeli samotneho.
Ja sem je zbourala,jen proto
abych te videla prestavovat.
Postavil si tenhle dum aby te schoval
pred vsim ceho si se bojis.
Ja sem ti pouze ukazala jak to zborim.

Proc se nesnazis uniknout ?
Z ohne ktery sem zalozila ?
Tentokrat to bude trochu jinak.
Tentokrat budes ten ktery potahne ven.
Slysim tvuj krik daleko od cesty.
A ty, by jsi mohl byt.. vic nez tohle.

Ale tvuj zaklad je slaby.
A v jednou tyhle zdi musi padnout dolu.
Proc se nechces zbavit vsech problemu,
a dostat se z toho ?
Vezmi nejaky benzin a zapalky
a spal to do zakladu!
Sleduj plameny obklicovat.
Sleduj vsechny tve obavy
padat jako prach kolem.
Jen nezapomen ze ty jsi jediny kdo to zboril.
Udelal jsi to pro sebe,vse co sem ja udelala
bylo to ze sem ti ukazala jak.

S tvou hlavou busici vic nez tve srdce,
A citis ze jsi se prilepil tam kde jsi.
S tvymi plicemi naplnenymi kourem,
A ty vis ze smerujes do temnoty.
Pak muzes predstirat.
Ze zivot ktery si zil,te vede pryc z temnoty.

Proc se nasnazis utect ?
Z ohne ktery sem zalozila ?
Ted jsi volny od obav ktere si mel.
Pak te rozsupuji.
Slysim tvuj krik daleko od cesty.
Muzu rict ze sem te prinesla zpet.
Tak jsem dokoncila muj cin,
a tak muzu jit konecne spat.
Ted jsi volny od strachu ktery si mel.
A ja muzu jit konecne spat.

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