Steve Harris
Here they stand brothers them all
All the sons divided they'd fall
Here await the birth of the son
The seventh, the heavenly, the chosen one
Here the birth from an unbroken line
Born the healer the seventh, his time
Unknowingly blessed and as his life unfolds
Slowly unveiling the power he holds
Seventh son of a seventh son
Seventh son of a seventh son
Seventh son of a seventh son
Seventh son of a seventh son
Then they watch the progress he makes
The Good and the Evil which path will he take
Both of them trying to manipulate
The use of his powers before it's too late
Seventh son of a seventh son
Seventh son of a seventh son
Seventh son of a seventh son
Seventh son of a seventh son
Today is born the seventh one
Born of woman the seventh son
And he in turn of a seventh son
He has the power to heal
He has the gift of the second sight
He is the chosen one
So it shall be written
So it shall be done
Tu svoja všetci bratia, všetci synovia, ktorých rozdelil pád
Očakáva sa narodenie siedmeho syna, siedmeho, nebeského, vyvoleného
Stvorenie nerozbitnej dráhy, zrod siedmeho učiteľa, nadišiel jeho čas
Neznámy požehnal a predurčil jeho život, pomaly uplatnil silu, ktorú získal
Siedmy syn siedmeho syna
Keď videl, aký pokrok urobil, Dobro a Zlo, ktorých cestou sa uberal
Skúšal oboje, skúšal svoje sily skôr ako bude pozde
Siedmy syn siedmeho syna
Dnes sa narodil siedmy syn, žene sa narodil siedmy syn
Obracia sa na sve môjho syna má silu liečiť,
Má dar druhého pohľadu, je vyvolený
Tak to bude napísané, tak sa to stane