Gone are the days of my mistakes,
I'd give everything, if everything is what it takes.
I'll bring the sun and I would chase
the rain, if I needed to.
But those many ways of mine, but
I've been down that road so many
And if you depend upon me, then
Maybe you'll see.
You can't stop the river from flowing
To the sea.
Cos some things just happen, like
They're meant to be.
And it doesn't matter where you are,
Or where you go, or what you do.
You can't stop my heart from loving you.
There is a dream I keep alive.,
Wonderful and heavenly standing by
Your side.
Bringing you all the colours love can
Spare just to be with you.
And there maybe times when i
Should have been there to hold you
Through the night.
And if you depend upon me, then
Maybe you'll see.
I've been miles away but I'm paying
My dues,
But don't worry I wont blame you for
A minute, no way no.
I wont blame you this time, please.
Prešiel deň mojich chýb.
Dal by som všetko, ak všetko je to čo to berie.
Prinesiem slnko a prenasledoval by som dážď,
ak to potrebujem.
Ale tak veľa sposobov zo mňa,
ale bol som na konci tej cesty tak veľa krát.
A ak sa spoliehaš na mňa, potom možno uvidíš že: ...
Nemožeš zastaviť rieku od plynutia do mora.
Pretože niektoré veci sa stávajú,
a musia byť.
A nič sa nedeje s tým kde si
alebo kam ideš alebo čo robíš.
Nemožeš zastaviť moje srdce od milovania teba.
Je tu sen, ktorý držím nažive,
nádherný a nebeský stojí vedľa teba.
Prinášati všetky farby lásky,
ktoré može ušetriř, aby som bol s tebou.
A tam možno čas, kedy by som bol s tebou, aby som řa držal cez noc.
A ak sa spoliehaš na mňa,
potom možno uidíš že: ...
Bol som míle preč, ale splatil som svoje dlhy.
Ale netráp sa, neobviňujem ťa pre minútu, nie takto nie.
Teraz ťa neobviním, prosím.