Oh, I'm a dark diamond
I've turned hard and cold
Once was a jewel with fire in my soul
There's two sides of a mirror
One I couldn't break through
Stayed trapped on the inside, wound up losing you
Tell me how does it work
How do you make things fit
Spent all my life trying to get it right
I've put it together and it falls apart
I thought to myself I might understand
But when the wall's built
And the heart hardens
You get a dark diamond
Dark diamond
Oh, I'm a dark diamond
But you're something else
You read me more than I read myself
The one star I could count on
Only comet I could trust
You burnt through my life to the true meaning of love
oh,jsem temny diamant
ztezknul jsem a zchladnul
kdysi jsem byval drahokam se zarem v dusi
existuji dve strany zrcadla
jednou neprostoupim
zustal jsem chycen uvnitr,zranen te ztracim
rekni mi jak se to dela
delat veci spravne
travim tim cely zivot,uvádenim veci do poradku
davam je dohromady a oni se rozpadaji
myslel jsem si ze bych to mohl pochopit
ale kdyz jem uz je zed postavena
srdce mi tezkne
jsem tady pro tebe jen jako temny diamant
temny diamant
oh,jsem temny diamant
ale ty jsi neco jineho
umis me precist lepe nez ja sam
jsi moje hvezda,se kterou muzu pocitat
jedina kometa,ktery muzu verit
rozžhavila jsi muj zivot pravym vyznamem lasky
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