You had me
You lost me
You're wasted
You cost me
I don't want you here messing with my mind
Spitting in my eyes and I still see
Tried to keep me down
I'm breaking free
I don't want no part in your next fix
Someone needs to tell you
This is it
Listen you'll be missin'
Out on all my love and my kissing
Make your mistakes on your own time
When you come down you're just no good to have around
Instead of making money you took mine
You had me
You lost me
You're wasted
You cost me
I don't want you here messing with my mind
I've realized in time
that my eyes are not blind
I've seen it before
I'm taking back my life
You tried to trade on my naivete
But the things you do and say embarrass me
See once upon a time I was your fool
But the one I leave behind he is you
Listen you'll be missin'
Out on all my love and my kissing
Make your mistakes on your own time
When you come down you're just no good to have around
Instead of making money you took mine
Vodka and a packet of cigarettes
That's all it used to be but now
You're sniffing on snow when you're feeling low
Suffocating dreams that could have
Maybe for a minute I'd be down with that
But it didn't take long for me to see the light
You swore you had control of it
But when I stepped back you slipped on your supply
Taking it back I'm taking it back
Taking back my life
Taking it back I'm taking it back
Taking back my life
Ain't nobody got no business stressing all the time
Taking it back I'm taking it back
Taking back my life
Taking it back I'm taking it back
Taking back my life
Taking it back I'm taking it back
Taking back my life
Ain't nobody got no business stressing all the time
Taking it back I'm taking it back
Taking back my life
Mal si ma
Stratil si ma
Si opitý
Predal si ma
Už viac nedovolím, aby si mi v mysli robil bordel
Opovrhujem tebou a vidím
Snažil si sa obmedzovať ma
Ale ja sa oslobodzujem
Už sa nechcem zúčastniť ďalších tvojich drogových výstrelkov
Niekto by ti mal povedať, že toto je koniec
Hej, počúvaj, budú ti chýbať
Vetka moja láska a bozky
Rob chyby vo svojom živote
Keď si na dne, si úplne nanič
Namiesto toho, aby si si zarobil, si vzal moje prachy
Mal si ma
Stratil si ma
Si opitý
Predal si ma
Už viac nedovolím, aby si mi v mysli robil bordel
Konečne som si uvedomila
Že nie som slepá
Pochopila som
Beriem si svoj život späť
Snažil si sa priživiť na mojej naivite
Ale to, čo si povedal a spravil, ma urazilo
No vidíš, kedysi som bola tvojím bláznom
Ale ten, koho nechávam za sebou, si ty
Hej, počúvaj, budú ti chýbať
Vetka moja láska a bozky
Rob chyby vo svojom živote
Ke si na dne, si úplne nanič
Namiesto toho, aby si si zarobil, si vzal moje prachy
Vodka a balíček cigariet
To je to, čo bolo, ale teraz
Keď si na dne, šňupeš kokaín
Desivé sny, ktoré by sa mohli naplniť
Možno na minútu som sa s tým trápila
Ale netrvalo dlho a uvidela som svetlo
Prisahal si, že to máš pod kontrolou
Ale keď som sa k tebe vrátila, vrátil si sa k starým návykom
Beriem si späť, beriem si ho späť
Beriem si späť svoj život
Nikto nemá nič na práci, len stresovať
Beriem si späť, beriem si ho späť
Beriem si späť svoj život
Beriem si späť, beriem si ho späť
Beriem si späť svoj život
Nikto nemá nič na práci, len stresovať
Beriem si späť, beriem si ho späť
Beriem si späť svoj život