I've given up my nightlight
Cause I'm not scared of the dark
I've tasted buttermilk
Sat through Jurassic Park
I've taken off my training wheels
Used adult shampoo
Sometimes there's no limit to the scary things I'll do
I don't hide in the closet
When I hear a thunderclap
I dunk my head in water
I've sat on Santa's lap
I never bat an eye when I
Get my measles shot
So when things get scary
It's a good thing I've got..
Bravery...I'm loaded with bravery
When I'm in a pinch
I don't even flinch
I'm cool and I'm calm
Bravery...I'm brimming with bravery
I'm always prepared
And if I'm still scared
I get my Mom
First day at kindergarten
Others might have wept
I sat and played with Legos
At nap time, I just slept
I climb the tallest jungle gyms
Slide the biggest slides
When I go to Disney World
I ride the biggest rides
Last Friday at assembly
In front of the whole school
I played a singing carrot
And didn't lose my cool
I hopped out on that stage
And sang out clear and strong
In sticky situations
I always bring along..
Bravery...three cheers for bravery
The sight of a ghost
won't turn me to toast
I'm better than that
Bravery...I'm brimming with bravery
But if I despair and Mom isn't there
There's always Dad
Wavery...when my knees get wavery
My heart's in my mouth
My nerves heading south
And I've got the shakes
Quavery...when my voice gets quavery
I suck in my gut
I'm mean and I'm lean
I swagger and strut
A P.T. Marine
Left right, left, right
I left the jitters behind
Bravery...three cheers for bravery
You won't see us clench
When we're in the trench
Or when things get hairy
Bravery...Let's hear it for bravery!
We're so full of bravery
It's scary!