For all those girls, who speak contradiction
The guy who crept through the shadows everyday to clutch his own conclusion
Watch all the blood, as it drips from your veins you coward
Godspeed, may your death come quickly
May your death come quickly
I think i'll take this hate and SPIT, SPIT
Now as it's passed onto the next one
I feel a bloodrush come right over me
You know you will never be right in the eyes of the ones who know
You trusted the devil and she will betray you
Why do i get shit all the time from those men
You are swine
You think dick is the answer
But its not(x2)
proti tymto vsetkym dievcatam niekto protireci
chlapik,ktory sa kazdy den zakrada cez tiene aby to uzavrel
sledujem vsetku tu krv,ked zo zil kvapkaju na teba,uboziak
mozno tvoja smrt pride rychlo
mozno tvoja smrt pride rychlo
myslim ze sa nazlostim a naplujem,naplujem,naplujem
teraz je rad na dalsieho,
citim ze som plna krvy,ktora az zo mna vychadza
vies ze nebudes ten pravy v ociach toho,koho poznas
doverujes diablovi a ona ta zradi
preco robim tie pi*oviny ktore mi ti muzi kazu?
su to svine
myslite si ze vas koko* je odpoved
ale nie je(x2)
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