The earth the wind the sky the sea the birth the
life the air we breathe- The truth the lies the in
between the hate the love the waking dream
All these beautiful things growin up in California
and all the members from the people who new ya!
Don’t test Mother Nature she’s a powerful person
Don’t get caught up in a bind for bein stupid like
abortion These are the types of checks you can’t
cash when your trying to live long can’t afford to
be an ass or when you walk into a party being loud
and obnoxious or when you walk up to a hotty wish
no respect and compliments it’s fuckin nonsense
this life’s a journey all people I need and al the
people actin funny like crash test dummy’s people
come people go like liquor sto doe they except it
like a treasure some one paid is another man’s
pleasure We need to stick together to make t his
beautiful place better You’re times approachin in
this like your livin in the aftermath of the new
In the aftermath the new beginning- In the waking
dream of all things unseen the cycle is complete
the universe has justified my life and set me
free- A smile spreads across my face prepares me
for the ride- the setting sun begins to set the
perfect way to die
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The earth the wind the sky the sea the birth the
life the air we breathe- The truth the lies the in
between the hate the love the waking dream
I’m sittin in the basement, cause we about to get
deep Final life’s placement, bein the topic of
speech What matters to you and me, what goals
you’ve reached When you’re body’s laid to rest and
your soul’s free to seek With the knowledge you
receive, You got a spot picked out You know where
you wanna go from what you’ve learned about Some
people call it Heaven, other’s say the spirit
world Where you goin when you die? Are you sure?
For real? You ask me where I’m headed, I’m still
tryin to look I learned one thing so far, the
answer’s not in a book Many paths to choose from
written by the hands of man But they were all
still alive, the information’s second-hand I don’t
understand, cause all religion’s have flaws Barkin
out commandments, how ‘bout Nature’s laws? Cause
when it’s said and done, rivers still gonna flow
The wind’s gonna blow, and trees are still gonna
In the aftermath the new beginning- In the waking
dream of all things unseen the cycle is complete
the universe has justified my life and set me
free- A smile spreads across my face prepares me
for the ride- the setting sun begins to set the
perfect way to die
The earth the wind the sky the sea the birth the
life the air we breathe- The truth the lies the in
between the hate the love the waking dream
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Album: Rollin Stoned
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