Questions questions intertwined, a secret to be told
I need some answers to ease my mind, I need them to unfold
Pages turned under pallid light, my confidence out cold
The truth a lie, but why, tell me
Why did you leave me in the cold
Why did you break this heart of gold
Why did you lie to me, tell me why
respondate confestim
Why did you leave me in the cold
Why did you break this heart of gold
Why did you lie to me, tell me why
respondate confestim
Answers answers you`ve been found, the secret stripped and bare
Reality turned upside down, the truth has left me scared
I need to break away right now instead I`m trapped in here
The truth a lie, but why, tell me
Why did you leave me in the cold
Why did you break this heart of gold
Why did you lie to me, tell me why
respondate confestim
Why did you leave me in the cold
Why did you break this heart of gold
Why did you lie to me, tell me why
respondate confestim
Why did you leave me in the cold
why did you break this heart of gold
why did you lie to me, tell me why
respondate confestim
Why did you leave me in the cold
Why did you break this heart of gold
Why did you lie to me, tell me why
respondate confestim
Otázky, otázky späté, povedané tajomstvo
Potrebujem odpovede pre uspokojenie mojej mysle, potrebujem ich odhaliť
Otočene stránky podľa bledého svetla, moja trpezlivosť je preč
Pravdivá lož, ale prečo, povedz mi
Prečo si ma opustil v zime?
Prečo si zlomil zlaté srdce?
Prečo si mi klamal? povedz mi prečo
respondate confestim
Prečo si ma opustil v zime?
Prečo si zlomil zlaté srdce?
Prečo si mi klamal? povedz mi prečo
respondate confestim
Odpoveďe, odpoveďe boli ste nájdené, tajomstvo vyzlečené a nahé
Realita otočená hore dole, pravda opustila môj strach
Potrebujem zlomiť opäť, teraz namiesto ja som chytená
Pravdivá lož, ale prečo, povedz mi
Prečo si ma opustil v zime?
Prečo si zlomil zlaté srdce?
Prečo si mi klamal? povedz mi prečo
respondate confestim
Prečo si ma opustil v zime?
Prečo si zlomil zlaté srdce?
Prečo si mi klamal? povedz mi prečo
respondate confestim
Prečo si ma opustil v zime?
Prečo si zlomil zlaté srdce?
Prečo si mi klamal? povedz mi prečo
respondate confestim