Are you blind?
Blind to me trying to be kind?
Volunteering for your firing line
Waiting for one precious sign
The flicker of a smile
You should try it just once in a while
Maybe it's not your style
It's simply too easy to do
And you might not see it through
See it through
Find yourself another place to fall
Find yourself up against another brick wall
See yourself as a fallen angel
Well I don't see no holes in the road but you
Find another place to fall
Are you proud?
To have founded a brand new behaviour
With hatred and hurt as your saviour
But nobody's choosing to follow
So you choke back the tears and you swallow
Men who have ruined your lkife
You consume them with minimum stife
But now you have got indigestion
The antacid comes as a question
Find yourself another place to fall
Find yourself up against another brick wall
See yourself as a fallen angel
Well I don't see no holes in the road but you
Find another place to fall
There isn't much more I can say
For I don't understand the delay
You're asking for friendly advice
And remaining in permanent crisis
Affection is yours if you ask
But first you must take off your mask
When you're backs turned I've decided
I'll throw it away just like I did
Find yourself another place to fall
Find yourself up against another brick wall
See yourself as a fallen angel
Well I don't see no holes in the road but you
Find another place to fall
Well I don't see no holes in the road but you
Find another place to fall
Well I don't see no holes in the road but you
Find another place to fall
Well I don't see no holes in the road but you
Find another place to fall
Si slepá?
Slepá a snažíš sa ku mne správať milo
Dobrovoľne sa hlásiš do prvej línie
Čakáš na jediné vzácne znamenie
Záblesk úsmevu
Mala by si to skúšať len raz za čas
Je to tiež príliš jednoduché urobiť
A možno to nepochopíš
Si pyšná
Že si si našla celkom nové správanie
S nenávisťou a bolesťou ako tvoj záchranca
Ale nikto sa nerozhodol ťa nasledovať
Takže si zadusila slzy a prehltla
Muži, ktorí ti zruinovali život
Skonzumovala si ich s minimálnym sporom
Ale teraz máš zlé trávenie
Do úvahy prichádza živočíšne uhlie
Našla si si ďalšie miesto pre pád
Našla si sa oproti ďalšej tehlovej stene
Vidíš samu seba ako padnutého anjela
Nuž, ja na ceste nevidím žiadne jamy, ale ty
Si nájdeš ďalšie miesto pre pád
Si živá?
Ukrýva sa vnútri mladá žena?
Vie, že sa jej snažíme pomôcť?
Je úplne znehybnená strachom
Cíti, počuje, vidí?
Ak ju na deň pustíš von
Možno sa jej zapáči a ostane
Ale čaká sa od teba, že ju pozveš
Pretože vyzeráš rozhodnutý rozhnevať ju
Našla si si ďalšie miesto pre pád
Našla si sa oproti ďalšej tehlovej stene
Vidíš samu seba ako padnutého anjela
Nuž, ja na ceste nevidím žiadne jamy, ale ty
Si nájdeš ďalšie miesto pre pád
Už nemám čo povedať
Pretože nerozumiem tomu zdržiavaniu
Pýtaš si odo mňa priateľskú radu
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