Her face is a map of the world, is a map of the world
You can see she’s a beautiful girl, she’s a beautiful girl
And everything around her is a silver pool of light
People who surround her feel the benefit of it
It makes you calm
She’ll hold you captivated in her palm
Suddenly I see this is what I want to be
Suddenly I see why the hell it means so much to me
Suddenly I see this is what I want to be
Suddenly I see why the hell it means so much to me
I feel like walking the world like walking the world
You can hear she’s a beautiful girl, she’s a beautiful girl
She fills up every corner like she’s born in black and white
Makes you feel warmer when you’re trying to remember what you heard
She likes to leave you hanging on her word
Suddenly I see this is what I want to be
Suddenly I see why the hell it means so much to me
Suddenly I see this is what I want to be
Suddenly I see why the hell it means so much to me
And she’s taller than most, and she’s looking at me
I can see her eyes looking from the page in the magazine
She makes me feel like I could be a tower, big strong tower yeah
The power to be
The power to give
The power to see, yeah, yeah
She got the power to be
The power to give
The power to see, yeah, yeah
Suddenly I see this is what I want to be
Suddenly I see why the hell it means so much to me
Suddenly I see this is what I want to be
Suddenly I see why the hell it means so much to me
Suddenly I see Suddenly I see
Suddenly I see why the hell it means so much to me
Suddenly I see Suddenly I see
Suddenly I see why the hell it means so much to me
Zrazu som si uvedomila
Jej tvár je mapou sveta
Je mapou sveta
Vidíš, že je to krásne dievča
A všetko okolo nej je strieborná žiara svetla
Ľudia ktorí sú okolo nej z toho majú úžitok
Ukľudňuje ťa to
Drží ťa fascinovaného vo svojej dlani
Zrazu som si uvedomila
Toto je to, čím chcem byť
Zrazu som si uvedomila
Prečo to, dopekla, pre mňa tak veľa znamená
Cítim sa, akoby som si vykračovala po svete
Akoby som si vykračovala po svete
Počuješ, že je to krásne dievča
Je to krásne dievča
Vypĺňa každý roh, akoby sa narodila v čiernej
a bielej
Zahrieva ťa, keď sa snažíš
Zapamätať si
Čo si počul
Páči sa jej, keď visíš na každom jej slove
Zrazu som si uvedomila
Toto je to, čím chcem byť
Zrazu som si uvedomila
Prečo to, dopekla, pre mňa tak veľa znamená
A je vyššia ako ostatní
A pozerá sa na mňa
Vidím, ako sa jej oči pozerajú zo stránky
Oh, vďaka nej by som sa mohla cítiť ako veža
Veľká, silná veža
Má silu byť
Silu dať
Silu uvedomiť si
Zrazu som si uvedomila
Toto je to, čím chcem byť
Zrazu som si uvedomila
Prečo to, dopekla, pre mňa tak veľa znamená